Friday, April 8, 2011

Welcome to the Neighborhood

waking mourning doves
coo softly
under hemlocks,
flitting chickadees
between feeder and oak,
sleepy geese 
honk faintly
in the cold river,
robins warble
trilling still
    in branches somewhere,
raucous crows
on tippy treetops,
silent deer
grazily wander and weave
    seeking green,
single stag
snorts and stamps
a warning 
to white tails 
blue and red
ground browse
under the feeder -
the neighborhood 
has been very busy


  1. The photo is great. I can't believe you see all those things; how wonderful. I liked the way you introduced each one & focused on the sound. The wrapping up is nice, widening the look of your community!

  2. @teacherdance
    It was a veritable jungle out here yesterday! We have also heard or seen a couple of owls, a ruffed grouse, a moose, turkeys and coyotes. My husband got the picture of the jay and red squirrel, and one of a deer. Tried to get the buck but the lens noise startled him!
    It's so nice to have them all back after a quiet, snowy winter.


Drop some breadcrumbs! Let me know you were here!

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