Monday, April 1, 2013

A is for Amy Sue

Here we go with the start of the A to Z Challenge!  Yea!  Brought to you by the Letter A!

We interrupt this A to Z Challenge with a message for the one and only...Arlee Bird... an A+ blogger for sure!

An Acrostic for Arlee...

A is for Arlee he
Really can write
Lots of good memoirs
Enough for a life;
Even when technology

Battles are rife....whoops, that's tomorrow....

My theme for this year is...drum rollllllll.....
Maine Boat Names....specifically lobster boats, though there may be some trawlers in there, and I may have to resort to a dory or two if my missing letters don't show up.

I have taken pictures of boats in Maine, many of which are wintering on land, but some are deep water boats, so they are still in the water.

There is a boat for each letter....though at this very moment I still need E, Q, U, X, Y and Z.  So anyone out there that has a lead on one of these letters, leave a comment as to where it can be found (in Maine)!  I will be forever grateful.

Some of these have more than one boat for the letter, so I will post all the pictures, and one or more poems to go with the boats.  There will also be links to learn more on most entries.  Enjoy!  I've met some really great fishermen and even an editor in my travels.
"Amy Sue"

All winter on land
I long for the spring
Awaiting the freedom
That mooring will bring.

Though moored, I can rock
And sway to the tune
That ocean and wind 
Sing under the moon.

"Almost There"
Alewives aboard we
Set out from shore
Haul up the traps then
Bait them with more.

I must go back out,
My passion's the sea
I cannot stay here
Behind shrubbery!

Poor Angelinda has become a lawn ornament of sorts!  She has freshly planted shrubs around her, so she isn't going anywhere soon!

Tomorrow...B is for -----

Now to go see what great posts for A others have!  Click on the A to Z Challenge tab above for the Linky List of participants!


  1. I think Almost There is a great name for a boat.
    And I love the poem for Amy Sue. Not that the other ones aren't good (especially the shrubbery)...

    1. Yeah, isn't that a great name? There are other great ones coming up, too. I felt so bad for Angelinda being finally "put to rest" on a lawn in a fence of shrubs!

    2. Still, it would be great to have a boat in your front yard... Especially if you did it so that kids could come play on it. That would have been the awesomest as a kid!

    3. Oh, it would have been so, so great! We'd have been there all the time! I'll bet you are right; Angelinda will not be all that lonesome there after all!

  2. Great names, I'm going to be excited to see how these names change with each letter.
    Nice ode to Arlee...I'm saving mine for Sunday - big spread just for him!


  3. Almost There is my favourite. The photograph makes it look like it's stranded in snow, going nowhere. Great post! :-)

    1. They do have a strangely out of place look about them when they are on the front lawn or side yard.

  4. What a fun theme. We are hoping to get our boat in the water on May 1st. We'll see...

    1. That's what one of the lobstermen told me he was aiming for - May 1 - this year.

  5. Replies
    1. Andrew (first commenter) and I decided that Angelinda is going to have kids playing all over her all summer long! And she won't be lonesome and longing for the water at all!

  6. You will be educating me this month on Maine boats. I look forward to all the boats to come.

    1. It's a small portion of the boats in Maine - but quite a haul!

  7. Very cool boats! I have a feeling I'll be learning a lot about Maine this month :)

    1. I'm going to try and make sure I have at least one good link in each post, too, for additional info or explanation of something in the poems...and hopefully letter appropriate! We'll see...those are being added even now!

  8. digging the boat, it's got some great lines...

    Jeremy [Retro]
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
    Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

    1. There are some nice ones around here. Some are hard to see and get a picture of when they are stored up behind barns and garages. Some pretty good ones are just on front lawns for the winter though! Thanks for the visit!

  9. That is about as unique of a theme as I've ever run across. Some awesome vessels there! :)

    1. There are some nice boats being tidied up right now. First of May they're in the water, so had to hurry and scurry around to get them when they weren't covered in snow and weren't yet in the water!

  10. Great idea, Donna. I love boats, & don't get out on enough of them. Love all, but the Amy Sue poem is special!

    1. This has been fun scouting out boats! Hey, the poem challenge is going to be fun - great first line there! I'm following it and will be anxiously awaiting your turn!

  11. What a fun idea! I really enjoyed your post and will be back to see what you have for tomorrow :)

  12. Oh how creative! I bet you had no trouble finding all of the letters of the alphabet.

    1. I'm sure if the sailboats and yachts were not all shrink-wrapped there would be a Zephyr or two, but e,q,u,x,y and z are eluding me!

  13. Love it...and no matter our topic, it's amazing how certainly letters will trip us up. Good luck finding those elusive EQUXYZ.

    1. Thanks! I am set to fudge on E if I absolutely know how boats often have 2 names...well there's an E for the second name of a boat, so that might be it! I'm still cruising the coast though!

  14. I just wanted to edit my comment because I spelled something wrong and it bugs me seeing grammatical errors...

    I like your theme! Did you take all those boat pictures yourself?
    Kids Math Teacher

    1. Yes, I did, with help from my husband driving me all over the place some days, as I scouted the coastal landscape exclaiming, "There's one I don't have! Stop! Go back!"

  15. What an interesting theme for A to Z! I don't think I have seen that theme in all the years of done this. Bravo!! And I completely forgot about giving a shout out to Arlee until I read your post. Palm smack! Great job and I look forward to your theme. :-)


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Z is for Zoetic

Good Words Alphabetically: Z is for Zoetic Ah, z end of z month... I'm going to miss writing a poem and drawing every day.  Perhaps I wi...