Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Time for Six

I remember time
taking so long
to go by
when I was six. 
It doesn't take
much time now
to use up
a bunch of it.

Minute Poetry
The Minute Poem is rhyming verse form consisting of 12 lines of 60 syllables written in strict 
iambic meter.  The poem is formatted into 3 stanzas of 8,4,4,4;  8,4,4,4;  8,4,4,4 syllables.  
The rhyme scheme is as follows: aabb, ccdd, eeff

My Minute Poem:

Time for Six
There is no time but here and now
And that is how 
When you are six
Time slowly ticks.
"In just a minute," Mom will say
But there's no way
To wait for fun
It must be done.
"In just two weeks we'll go," says Dad
And now you're mad
It should be wrong
To wait that long.
Time makes no sense to speeding youth
But here's the truth
What once was slow
Will quickly go
And soon enough you will be grown
And then your tone
Will change a bit
As time will flit.
You now will yearn for slower days
The time to laze
But you can't fix
Not being six.
Okay, now I see that I have too much here...
it's two minutes, not 60 seconds!
"edit, edit"...
There is no time, but here and now
And that is how
When you are six
Time slowly ticks. 
Time makes no sense to speeding youth 
But here's the truth 
What once was slow 
Will quickly go
You then will yearn for slower days
The time to laze
But you can't fix
Not being six.


  1. Your poem is wonderful. I love the line "as time will flit". I like how you bring in the perspective of getting older back around to the moment of a 6 year old. MaryHelen

  2. It's great, Donna, & seems even more challenging than the last one. I too love the connections you made in the poem, & it's so true. I love the way you included dialog; it's a favorite 'thing' of mine because the use seems to make it so real.

  3. I like every version of the poem. Seems when you have a good idea, you can't go wrong! I like the ending: "But you can't fix not being six" It is sort of Silverstein-esque or maybe Prelutsky-ish.

  4. "The time to laze" goes even quicker! I thought retirement would drag--not so. I feel you're enjoying the poem writing. Poem on!

  5. Hi Donna! Enjoyed your poem. I liked the longer one better! Thanks for sharing both.


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