Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I Cannot Write It All

the miracle of another sunrise over river and woods
It seems life has been so full lately, that I don’t know at all what to do with it.  While Linda at TeacherDance was working out things in her own life, I had a feeling that there was something wrong.  Then she revealed to us the struggles she has had, especially over the past few weeks.  I felt a sense of relief that she could at last put it into words.

I would like to write about my feelings over the past week, yet I cannot.  Maybe I will write them later and not put them up here, I guess, for family privacy.  I think there’s a book somewhere in the brain jumbles if my sister and I can get together on it.  I'm fairly exploding with the need to write it. I was thankful that the TKT poetry writing was smack dab in the middle of all the past week's events.  The competition was somewhat of a distraction while my mind was racing alongside me this week.

I guess I can say, because it is on the Internet already, that much of it revolves around the uncertainty of the 23 hours over night that my grandnephew - my sister’s 12 year old grandson - was missing last week.  Suffice it to say being overnight with just a sweatshirt for warmth in the Maine woods in a swamp is not the place to be in March.  And needless to say there has been much rejoicing in our family, albeit quiet rejoicing, private rejoicing.

I have seen the sun come up, and have seen it set.  I have seen Jupiter and Venus shining so brightly they seem to be suns sneaking into our solar system.  I have written poetry that I liked pretty well, and others seemed to enjoy also - how nice is that?

But yesterday and today I have been blessed to be able to spend the days with my grandnephew as he heals from hypothermia and frostbite.  I can’t really write about it much.  I just have found the experience to be a delight and a privilege to spend time with him talking, playing video games, and reading poetry (and forcing him to drink liters of water) in his recovery mode.

It has been a wonderful two days.  Busy writing, busy reading, busy sitting, busy thinking.  Busy, busy, busy as I sit watching him heal.  It’s been busy and emotional, but in such a good way.

Inside I am shouting.


  1. That is frightening. Sometimes our cups runneth over with more than love. Sometimes they runneth over with troubles. Writing it always helps me, I hope it helps you. I'm so glad the little one was found. I will keep your family in my prayers.

  2. I am so happy for you and your family that you are enjoying spending time with your grandnephew. I know that means he is safe and you will make sure he continues to be so. Thank you for sharing a sliver of the experience with us. I cannot imagine what it was like for you all during the past week.

  3. Oh Donna, what a horrible experience for you and all family members. There is such peace in your writing as you describe spending time with your grandnephew. I pray that all will be healed.

  4. Yes - some of life's most difficult moments are easier to write about in hindsight. Praying for healing and peace for you all.

  5. He was found...thank goodness for that. And you were able to be with him, spend time with him. Here we are, posing every day, living our lives every day, and able to share moments like this - what a wonderful writing community this is!

  6. So happy for you that he was found safe and is mending.

  7. Thank you for sharing with glad he was found safe and will be fine...Good news!

  8. Sometimes the only way to function during difficult times is to keep oneself busy, but at some point the emotions will find a way out. So happy to read that this story had a happy ending.


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