Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Voting at TKT

my words
like water
but today they have to be
y a n k e d

Make sure you stop by to do your "required daily reading" of poetry at Think Kid, Think!  And VOTE!  It's a plethora of poetry for you today!  Enjoy!  BTW: My word is "cement"...and my opponent's is "translucent".  Voting closes tonight.  You might get your students involved and let them do some voting (you need a different IP address for each voter though) or take a class tally before you cast a vote!
This competition is lots of fun and there are lots of kid appropriate poems being created in a short time by published and unpublished poets.  Why even Jane Yolen was here!  She was out on the first round...but she was here!
All poems should be written for the 7 to 15 year old age bracket.  The poets have 36 hours to write a poem using the one word they are assigned...a form of the word is not okay.  For example, my word was cement, so the word Cement is there, as well as cemented.
After the poem is written, and both are received, the poem is posted and there are 36 hours for voting.
All the rules and guidelines for voting are on each match's page.  So go on over and take a peak!  It's all in good fun for everyone.  And although the poets there would say it's just a friendly competition...you just know they'd like to win!


  1. I loved the image of yanking your words out of bed.

  2. He’s surely lamented and even repented,
    But nevertheless his fate’s been cemented!

    That made me laugh! How cool is this poetry fest...and you are such an inventive bunch. No word, it seems, is too great a challenge.

  3. Donna, thanks for the beautifully supportive words yesterday. You are so perceptive; it's been a long & difficult several weeks. We'll see what happens next! And, I love the above, but also want to tell you I loved your cement poem! I managed to read & vote for the few I really know yesterday. I thought your poem was so creative & spot on with the rhyming, like always!


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