Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Do You SmileBox?

Click to play this Smilebox newsletter
This newsletter design generated with Smilebox

Do you use SmileBox?
Did you know it's free for teachers?
Did you know you can make a slideshow, an invitation, a scrapbook, a calendar, newsletters, recipe books/cards, etc.?
Did you know you can add music?
Did you know you can post your creations online at Facebook, Blogger, Twitter, WordPress and TypePad; email them; print them or burn them to CD/DVD?
Did you know it's a great way to post/publish student work?
Did I mention it was free for teachers?
Below, I've posted a sample newsletter design and a scrapbook design I made with student work last March. For St. Patrick's Day we drew and colored pictures using only crayons that had the word "green" on them somewhere. (It's not the one I originally published, as there are a couple of typos in it!) There are loads of options for backgrounds and embellishments. Enjoy playing!
This is not an advertisement...really! I just enjoy this program and thought you might too! There are just lots of possibilities for educators and students! I would love to make a class recipe book, a newsletter for parents and student published books to post on the school website. And for personal use, I made a very nice collection of photos with text in a musical slideshow/scrapbook that I emailed to my niece after her son's first birthday.

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook

To get the teacher's subscription click on SmileBox.com
No. Really. This is NOT a paid advertisement. I am not getting royalties or chocolates. I just think someone out there would really like to try using this fun site and do some really fun, creative stuff with kids...or without them! Let me know what you do, if you have a go at it.


  1. Looks fun! I may be checking this out later today. Looks like something my creative writing kids might like!

  2. It's so easy to use. I'm glad you thought to tell everyone about it. I have used it to make books about and/or for my granddaughter and for my students when they publish short stories. Great program!

  3. Thank you for sharing the information with us. I LOVE free things! I will check out the site later. I may use it with my struggling writers.

  4. I love Smilebox - I use it both for school stuff (field trips, class pictures, etc.) as well as for family stuff...so much fun to use and easy to share with friends and family far and wide.

  5. Very cool, I had no idea they had a free teacher version. I have used it but always had the ads. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Neat! Thanks for sharing! I love new tools, especially when I know someone has really used them!

  7. I've seen Smilebox but didn't know how to do it. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to trying it.

  8. Thanks for the info and example. I will also look into it. I wonder if retired teachers count? I do work with 4 grandchildren!


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