Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Prayer

Little man,
Just two months old,
My prayer for you
If truth be told:
That you would come
Into the fold,
Receive the Love
That's pure as gold;
And then a wife 
To have and hold,
A love on earth
That God would mold.

He just turned two months old.  It is never too early to plan for the future of your grandchild!  
This week his great grandmother is going to see him for the first time (not counting his FaceTime debut)!


  1. Aw-w, so dear, and wonderful, and thoughtful of you to write for your grandson. Won't you have such fun by the sea playing with him!! As ever, the rhythm of your words is genuinely good-& the sentiment is heartfelt.

  2. This poem is so sweet, I had to sit and savor it while I looked at the photo. So precious!

  3. I like the continuing rhyme of the "old" sound. He is certainly an inspiration. Cherish.

  4. What a sweet, sweet poem and photo too!

  5. Your poem sounds so much like one of those sayings you hear over and over. That is a rhyme that will stand the test of time. I so hope you memorize that and repeat it to him over and over until it becomes part of him. Lovely!


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