Monday, April 24, 2017

THWAP #AtoZChallenge

It is day 20 of the A to Z Challenge.  I'm moving through the alphabet using vanity plates from Maine that I've seen since last year's A to Z Challenge (except for one - used an older plate not written to yet).
Here's your chance to expand your vocabulary as you visit some awesome bloggers.
My A to Z tab above will take you to a list of my daily visits to the A to Z posters, if you are inclined to see the Padlet of places I've been.  Or click here.

I just wrote these acrostics, and couldn't decide which one to leave here today, but since they are short and star the same beast, I'll leave them both as a double acrostic - since there are usually several "thwaps" at a time.  Kind of like "hiccups"...


Terrifying daily
Hazard of the
Woods and shore;
Agressors awaiting you -
Prolific, predatory mosquito!

Thwarted irritating attack as
Hand hits home, without a hitch
Welt averted, without an itch
Anticoagulating agent of a
Probing probiscus diverted!

By Donna JT Smith, 4/24/2017


Drop some breadcrumbs! Let me know you were here!

Spiritual Journey Thursday: Wholeness

  Spiritual Journey Thursday is hosted today by Denise Krebs and you can find more posts by going to her site and reading the comments wit...