Friday, April 14, 2017

LKY PUP #AtoZChallenge

Today is Poetry Friday...oh, my, goodness!  I totally and unbelievably forgot!  I have had daughter, grandson and grand daughter here for a visit this week.  They left last night on their long ride back home to get daddy hugs and kisses! 
Glad I thought "time to check in on the Progressive Poem"!  I came across today's added 14th line of the poem at Jan's Bookseed Studio, and her reference to Poetry Friday!  Days run together when you are having retirement fun!
When you are finished here, head on over to the rest of the poem offerings at Dori at Dori Reads.
Notes about this challenge:
The A to Z Challenge is to write to the letters of the alphabet in order, one a day each day in April, except on Sundays.
To find more A to Z Challenge blog posts, click on any A to Z Challenge link I've made in this post. Read through the comment links on that page and see what interests you.  Read.  Comment. Spread the love of our alphabet around!
If you are commenting here, please include your post's link so that I can return the visit easily.  I'd like to visit your site, if you don't mind!
If you want to see where I've visited, click on A to Z Challenge in the tab at the top and it will take you to a padlet of links.  If you want to see yours there, visit me.  If you are doing the A to Z Challenge, I'll visit you and link you. 

Lonely pup
Copper coated
Back hunched 
Head down
Tail tucked
Ears pressed
Eyes worried
She grimaces
Sees the hand
Looks into eyes
Hears a gentle voice
Tail wags hesitantly
Leary pup
Copper coated
Back curved
Head lifting
As a glimmer shows in her eyes
Anticipating ears loosen
Her tail begins to engage
Moving her body toward the hand
Her dry nose investigates
Both hearts beat faster
She accepts the gentle ear tousle
and her body excitedly follows her
fully engaged tail
into a joyful wag
Ears lifted
Head bobs
Nose glistens and nudges
Copper coated
Lucky pup,
Lucky Penny,
Let's go home!

by Donna JT Smith, 4/14/17

Tomorrow a plate of M and a side of poem.  See you then!


  1. LOVED that poem! Lucky pup, indeed. Alana

  2. Aw, loved the progression of your poem and the happy ending!

  3. It's nice that you can choose not only the letters, but also the drawings on the plate.
    Eva - Mail Adventures

    1. Yes, we have a number of options for state plates: sportsman, support our troops, agriculture, conservation, lobster, chickadee, animal welfare, University of Maine, Veteran, Wabanaki, breast cancer. When I was a kid it was just an orange plate with black numbers...not too pretty really.

  4. Powerful plates, your state has, Donna! So its your plate is shown here, the puppy one? So cuddly an idea this poem & your license plate. If this sweet poem is from real life, then Maine is a lucky pup, itself, to have your family care taking care to stop & pet (and adopt!) a roadside orphan. Glad you enjoyed that fun family visit this week. And, so many appreciations for your mentioning Poetry Friday & the 14th day line of Progressive Poem. :)

    1. This is not my plate but it is kind of our Penny's story. I found her as a little puppy out on the highway on my way to work. Her mom was crossing 4 lanes and left this one behind. I picked her up and brought her to school with me where she spent the day in the preschool class and the rest of her life with us when we couldn't find her owners.

  5. It's always interesting to see how dogs respond to humans. I'm known as the "Cookie Lady" in my neighborhood, as I keep a supply of dog treats at the ready, even though we don't have a dog of our own...yet!

    1. Ha! Our UPS man always leaves a biscuit for our dog and she knows it!

  6. Love the descriptive images in the poem! I haven't attempted poetry in years, other than silly rhymes. I wouldn't even know where to start.

    Trudy @ Reel Focus
    Food in Film: Lobster

    1. I DO love a rhyme. I have more trouble trying to stay "poetic" when it doesn't rhyme!

  7. Donna, your L poem is a delightful one. I have never seen a license plate with that spelling. Now I am off to read more of what you dished out. Have a great holiday.

  8. Pets are so loving and dogs especially make great companions.


    1. And they see to it that I get my exercise! Why, just the vacuuming alone keeps me fit!
      So glad you dropped by today!

  9. Hi Donna. So glad you commented on my blog and that I've now found yours. Love this poem, definitely a lucky pup. I've read some of your earlier posts too and will follow by email. Happy Easter to you and your family. Enjoy the remaining days of the AtoZ challenge :) Regards, Ruth

    1. Hi, Ruth! So glad you came by for a read! Happy Easter to you, too!

  10. Great poem, Donna. Love the repetition, the parallelism and the contrast before and after. Best of all--lonely, leery, lucky.

  11. Love the plate and poetry combo and the narrative--Who can resist a puppy story with a happy ending? Thanks for sharing!

  12. Great plate, fun poem. I especially like "Anticipating ears loosen"

  13. Lucky pup. Lucky grandma. Lucky grand babes! Enjoy.

  14. Awww..those quick,two-word lines show so much as that lucky pup emerges from fear to joy!


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