Tuesday, April 11, 2017

IMALDNE #AtoZChallenge

Notes about this challenge:
The A to Z Challenge is to write to the letters of the alphabet in order, one a day each day in April, except on Sundays.
To find more A to Z Challenge blog posts, click on any A to Z Challenge link I've made in this post. Read through the comment links on that page and see what interests you.  Read.  Comment. Spread the love of our alphabet around!
If you are commenting here, please include your post's link so that I can return the visit easily.  I'd like to visit your site, if you don't mind!
If you want to see where I've visited, click on A to Z Challenge in the tab at the top and it will take you to a padlet of links.  If you want to see yours there, visit me.  If you are doing the A to Z Challenge, I'll visit you and link you.  

Today is I, and or is that "today am I"?

Either way, I had a hard time finding I this past year.  I saw one that said "Ivy" and I really, really wanted it, but the traffic was such that  my husband wouldn't let me jump out of the car.

So I am using a plate that I found last year, but didn't use for a poem yet.  I had a few leftovers and this is one of them:

All Done

"I'm all done,"
I heard him say,
and then he put his bike away;
"I'll do it on another day
When I don't always swerve
and sway!"

"I'm all done,"
she said to me;
the picture's done and so is she;
I'll post it here where it will be
the easiest for 
all to see.

"I'm all done!"
The kettle spoke,
and with it's whistle gave a poke
as from it's spout what looked like smoke
came shooting out as
steamy cloak.

"I'm all done,"
the sunset sighed;
it couldn't stay aloft - it tried,
but fullest moon won't be denied;
it wants its turn to
turn the tides.

"I'm all done,"
the writer noted;
we've laughed, we've cried, we've all emoted,
all edits done and text de-bloated;
this well spent pen has 
been demoted.

by Donna JT Smith, 4/10/2017

Tomorrow is a J day!  See you then!


  1. "This well spent pen has / been demoted." Very nice!

  2. I really enjoyed your poem and the number plate. Amazing talent.

    Justify #Lexicon of Leaving


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