Monday, April 3, 2017

BRAVES #AtoZChallenge

Yesterday was the second day of the Progressive Poem, and Tabatha Yeatt's supplied the next line.  Doraine Bennett, at Dori Reads, is composing the next line for today, so check her site often to see when it "goes live"!
Here's the poem is so far:
I'm fidget, friction, ragged edges--
I sprout stories that frazzle-dazzle

Where to next, Dori??  I'm day 21 to add a line...that's a looong way off!  Lots can happen in 20 lines before me! 
There are a lot of letters in the A to Z Challenge between now and then, too!

It is the Day 2 of the A to Z Challenge!  And this year I am again posting vanity plates in Maine.  Because it is April, National Poetry Month, I'm going to write an acrostic, a haiku, or some other type of poem that I don't even know yet.  But each will be based on the letters, the word or the words on a license plate.

The A to Z Challenge is to write to the letters of the alphabet in order, one a day each day in April, except Sunday.  On Sunday I will post a bonus plate - one I've found that intrigues me.  It may be a duplicate letter or one that starts with a number instead of a letter, but still has a message for us.

There are themes galore being done.  If you are interested in reading more A to Z posts, click on any A to Z Challenge link I've made in this post!  Read through the comment links on that page and see what interests you.  Take a peek.  Comment!  Spread the love of our alphabet around!

If you are commenting here and are in the A to Z Challenge, please include your post's link so that I can return the visit easily.  You can do that even if you aren't in the A to Z Challenge.  I'd like to visit your site, if you don't mind!

Here's the plate for today B is for BRAVES:

He Braves

He's no coward;
With hands on hips
He shuns the dread
That could eclipse
Another not as brave.

He braves the foes,
Remaining tall;
He won't retreat;
He cannot fall;
They will not see him cave.

No flames to throw,
No x-ray eyes,
No webs that stick,
Nor cape that flies,
Yet all the weak he'll save.

Embraces storms,
Stands up to force,  
Braves the conflict,
And stays the course;
To fear he is no slave.

Donna JT Smith, 4/2017

Tomorrow a Plate of C!  C U then.

Last year's Maine vanity plate link.  Ha!  I just read this post from 2016, and it kind of goes with this year's only it was a totally different plate.  Interesting!


  1. Nice poem! I'm always sightly amazed by people who can write like that. I can write a novel, but when it comes to poetry? That's not something I excel in.
    You can see my "B" post here:

    1. Thanks for visiting! I'll pop on over right after my break for breakfast!

  2. Replies
    1. Oh, my, it might be... but we rarely have an Atlanta fan living in Maine. I'm not sure if someone really were a fan they'd dare do that. You can't even get away with being a Yankees fan without consequences...LOL!

  3. Is the owner trying to encourage him/herself?

    Eva - Mail Adventures

    1. Could be! Could be a lobsterman here who "braves" the weather out there on the sea!

  4. License plates have always fascinated me, too - my friend and I will photograph them. The other day we saw one from Manitoba with a small buffalo on it and we both blurted out in unison "oh, what a cute small buffalo!" I guess you had to be there. I loved the poem. Visiting from A to Z - Alana


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