Monday, August 1, 2016

Refrigerator Alley

I have always been fascinated with refrigerators.  When my aunt died years ago, we hadn't visited with her in a long time, but wanted to speak at her funeral. As we were considering what to say about her life and what mattered most to her now I suddenly had an idea. I said to my brother, "Look at her refrigerator.  It tells a whole story about a person or a family."  From the inside to the outside, top to bottom, side to side... it tells more than you think.  Even if it is clean.  Nothing on the outside.  Meager fillings on the inside.  It still says something.  What does YOUR refrigerator say?

Here's the challenge:
Sometime this month, take  a picture or pictures of your refrigerator and all it's trimmings.  Post your pictures and write about it... poetry or prose (but, of course, I especially like those poetic responses)!  I think you will be amazed at what you find is important to you and those who share this treasure chest - the cold (?) heart of your kitchen.

On the tab above by the title, click the REFRIGERATOR tab and add your link to the other refrigerator posts.  If you want to do more than one post about your refrigerator, PLEASE DO. Go ahead and link another page/post - you can put a 2 by the second one, 3 by the third post,(I don't need to continue, right?), so people will know to go there again and see another cool posting by you!  Have fun!

In all its glory
 it tells a story
From inside out
 without a shout
It gives us clues
 and blatant trues
Of you and yours
  oh, those white doors
Such inner cool
 you cannot fool
When freezer speaks
 the truths it leaks.

PS  Don't decorate your refrigerator for the occasion!  This is a candid shot - don't let it know when you will be taking its picture.  I hate when a refrigerator poses for a picture, don't you?  They always look so fake smiley!  Got one of someone leaning in perusing the fridge? You know what? Prepping your refrigerator should be okay, too! Maybe just tell us if you prepped it, or if it was a candid shot. Why should we care? We like to comb our hair before getting our picture taken don't we? It's your choice. Or your refrigerator's. You could try both ways.

See you tomorrow with another refrigerator posting!

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