Friday, August 5, 2016

I Wish You Rides & Refrigerators

It is Poetry Friday, hosted by Tara at A Teaching Life, and I have another sweet poem to share from the Summer Poetry Exchange.  This one is from Amy Ludwig VanDerwater, from The Poem Farm.  She sent along some yummy treats from her recent trip to Spain even - which will be eaten ever so slowly and savoringly!

Amy's beautiful poem full of wishes brings to mind some of the reasons I wanted to try this motorcycle riding thing!  I think you will understand the fascination perhaps when you read it.  I've had lots of warnings to be careful, and stories of falls, and sundry reasons for NOT riding a motorcycle.  But to temper those I've received lots of words of encouragement and looks of amazement; along with the exhilarating rush of air, the discovery of beautiful back roads, the shared special times with my son and husband, and the plain old amazement in myself for ever actually doing this!

Thanks, Amy, for your poem.  I like how it fits and feels!

I Wish You Rides

I wish you rides
on country roads
where children wave
as you zip by.
I wish you rides
through wind and sun
where you are one
with earth and sky.
I wish you rides
beneath bright stars
twinkling secrets
in your ears.
I wish you rides
to visit friends
you have not seen
for many years.
I wish you rides
full of thinking
full of beauty
strong and bold.
I wish you rides
and rides
and rides
from now
you're very old.

by Amy Ludwig VanDerwater, all rights reserved

Thank you, Amy, for all your wonderful wishes...and for including my one little word for this year - BOLD!
Bold is how I'm feeling this year, how I'm living this year, how I'm seeing myself...


Now, about that refrigerator of yours...
I'm looking for posts about your refrigerator this month.  I picture and a few words... poem or prose.  Inside or outside. What's on it, or in it?  On top?  Front, sides?  What does your refrigerator say about you?  I'm posting random things about my refrigerator and my life - sometimes a story, sometimes a poem.
When you have a post, link it under the REFRIGERATOR tab above (just below the title).  At the end of August there will be a prize - a marble refrigerator magnet with a picture and/or writing from your post.  If you post more than once, I will put your name in once for EACH individual post.  So more links to posts, more chances to win!  And winning is an exciting thing!  I've been posting since August 1 about this, so check back on the old posts for poems and pictures of all things refrigerator.


  1. Amy is a master of the short and perfectly penned poem.

  2. What a lovely poem - and perfect timing, too, since a young fella just zipped by on his bike, personifying Amy's vision.

    1. I'm about to head out for a short jaunt around our "neighborhood", such as it is out here, where deer are the main force to be contended with. They lend themselves to the "full of beauty" line!

  3. Amy's poem captures your adventure beautifully, Donna, and is a compliment to you also. I will try to share something for your refrigerator challenge, so fun. I'm leaving town, but will be back so I can work on it after I return.

    1. Just got back from my short jaunt practicing quick stops and getting into "pretend traffic" without stalling! Got to keep myself tuned up!
      Have a good trip, and will be anxious to see your refrigerator!

  4. I love Amy's poem. Enjoy the motorcycle adventure. I saw a lot in Yellowstone. Will send you a pic of the fridge. what a fun project.

    1. Will be heading out later this afternoon for a supper run on the bike! I'm thinking lobster down at the dock sounds like fun!
      Hope to see your refrigerator soon!

  5. What a special poem from Amy! You only have one lifetime, Donna, I think it's awesome that you're following your bliss.

    1. I really loved Amy's riding wishes! Wish I'd started this about 35 years or more ago. Better late than never!

  6. Leave it to Amy to write something so sweet and perfect for you!

  7. Have the stars been twinkling secrets to you? I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

    1. I believe they have been...though I haven't been out riding yet at night. I'm a little nervous about that. We have lots of wildlife that stroll the roads at night!

  8. Thanks for sharing, Donna! So many beautiful wishes for you!

  9. Donna,
    Amy's wishes were filled with warm sentiments for a BOLD lady like yourself. May you ride into the sunset of your poems and fell the breathe of life.

  10. There is a long road before you, Donna. Such a lovely poem to road off into the distance, with.

  11. *sighs* #ride
    (Of course, I see it as it is posting... and not moments before. ?)

  12. That is gorgeous. I wish you rides and rides and rides


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