Friday, May 6, 2016

800 Posts Today

Today is post 800!  And it is Poetry Friday!
Sylvia has the links at Poetry for Children.
I'm posting stanza 3 of my "May" poem....
with Wednesday's and Thursday's stanzas 1 and 2.  Maybe I'm finished?


May all days be filled with wonder
May the weeks be laughter driven
May each wind be ever gentle
And may grace to all be given.

May the good be seen in others
And more patience found each minute
Sweetness guide each day's adventure
As with joy I dwell within it.

May I give more than I'm handed
May I take only what's needed
And when sage advice is offered
May I wisely see it's heeded.

I may have one more stanza tomorrow for Post 801, but I May B done.  Either way, I'll take Sunday off.  I'm totally going to make 1000 posts by the end of the year.

A side note: I announced on March 9 that I'd lost 23 pounds.  Today, I hit 33 pounds gone.  I may just hit my mark by year's end, or close to it.

Happy Poetry!  Happy Friday!  Happy May!


  1. Happy 800 posts! What a milestone. Enjoyed your May poem :).

    1. And my echocardiogram came out good today, too! A good day all around!

  2. Very nice, Donna. May grace to all be given, amen.
    Congrats on the posts and the pounds!

  3. Congratulations, Donna, great accomplishments, 800 posts and pounds lost. Happy Mother's Day to you!

    1. Had fun clothes shopping with my daughter this past weekend! She made me try on a cute "little" dress that I was VERY wary of! But it fit and looked nice on!

  4. Losing weight as you add blog posts? Sounds like dreamland!

    Your May poem captures the joy and enthusiasm of new life. May May bring you all these things!

    1. Yes! Adding posts as I take off pounds! A great combo!

  5. What Violet said! You go, girl! May the next 200 posts be filled with joy, and may the next set of pounds be lost forever! Here's to health and creativity!!

    1. The absolute BEST thing about the weight loss is having a lap to use when I read to my grandchildren! Got to try it out last week.

  6. Sorry to miss last week's celebratory post, Donna. You go, girl!!!


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