Friday, February 20, 2015

Solitude or Loneliness, Who Cares Which?

It's Poetry Friday and hosted by someone I like to think of as a friend that I have never met but feel like I know - Linda Baie at Teacherdance.  If you don't know Linda yet, go there to meet her and make a new friend!  Oh, and find more poetry linkups there, too.
Additionally, on Wednesday the new Poetry Jam prompt was issued... "Write about loneliness or solitude."  I have written a poem to address the issue.

Solitude or Loneliness, Who Cares Which?

I’m all alone at home again
I’m writing, and I’ve
to ignore the constant scuffling
of two dogs by my
and then there is the white cat
being obviously
access to his sleeping place
and where he likes to
Oh, I talk to them - they listen with
their heads cocked to one
So if I say I’m lonesome
I'd have have to say I’ve
My days are not my own,
I could use some
Can't say that I don't like my pets;
I'd never be that
But when I try to gather thoughts
they carelessly
And all my writings and my dreams
seem to be pet
Solitude or loneliness -
oh, does it matter
I think that either one might
surely cure me of this
But then of course I’d lack excuse
for a poetic

©Donna JT Smith, 2015


  1. Donna, I had the occasion to look at my early posts, and you are there in the comments! It's been a long time, perhaps someday we'll meet in the middle? Love this, the distraction of pets, wanting only to be assured of your love. And my favorite: "pet/imbued"!

    1. I just looked back and saw that we both started blogging in March of 2011 and we both commented on each other's blog on March in a few days that will be 4 years that we have blogged. (I had a post earlier, but hadn't started seriously until March.) Pretty amazing! Someday we'll have to have coffee in where? Nashville?

  2. I liked tracing the tension in your poem -- pets as intruders upon solitude, yes, but an undercurrent of love for them nevertheless.

    1. And that is how it is - tense for a bit and then laughter. Kind of like raising kids again...without the benefit of diapers and a school bus to catch.

  3. Solitude or loneliness? Obviously, you are not lonely Donna. Do you relish solitude when your pets carelessly intrude? Great perspective with a toss up on which mode fits you.

    1. I love my pets around, but I also like when they all decide to nap at the same time and I am free to walk around and write without their assistance!

  4. This made me laugh aloud. I love what you did with the rhymes on their own lines--made it all the more fun and comic. Great title, too.

    1. I'm so glad you liked it! It was fun to write, too.

  5. Ha, my days are not my own either, if I think about my dogs. I would never consider myself 'lonesome' if I were only in their presence. They are such good company...I like it that you find your writings 'pet imbued.' Easy to do, I think. And quite endearing!!

    1. I am glad that I never have to come home to an empty house!

  6. I enjoyed skipping along in the song with you. I love my pets. I am never actually alone, am I?

    1. I'm glad you could skip along!
      And not never alone! It really is great...mostly!

  7. I totally agree with you, Donna. Alone with a pet is not being alone at all. In fact when you are alone, they seem to notice it and be very very present.

    1. Even in the middle of the night...the cat loves to come and perch on me and talk for a bit. Maybe he gets lonely?

  8. Love those pets! Who could ever be alone with a furry pal around?! Great poem, Donna.

    1. The new puppy is upsetting the routine of lazing around for my cat and old dog...and maybe me a little, too! But it is getting better!

  9. I can totally relate to your poem, my cat is ALWAYS right by my side no matter what I'm doing! Love the rhythm of your poem!

    1. Cats can be aloof, but they can also be pretty loving!

  10. smiles....the last several days our cat has gone crazy with the snow...he does not like it at all...
    so while i have had solitude...i have not been i agree with you, for sure...

    1. Ours is an indoor cat and was a rescue that we got last year. He had been an outdoor cat, but out here in the woods on the coast, we have owls, fox, coyote, hawks, etc. that would put a pretty quick end to him. So indoors it is, and THAT drives him crazy in nice weather. Seems pretty content in the winter to just "chill" so to speak!

  11. Another wonderful, rollicking, wordsmithing write, Donna. "pet imbued" summoned a lol chuckle.

    1. Glad you had fun! "Pet imbued" was a kind of tickle when it came to me even!

  12. I love the feel good atmosphere in your much enjoyable...

  13. Love the way this flowed and the great feeling with it.

  14. I was just scratching our cat under the chin while I was reading your poem... They do "carelessly intrude," don't they? They aren't being mean, but man, they are needy :-) Nice mood, rhyme scheme, and ending!

    1. I actually have two kitchen for eating at, and one for my computer and the cat! It's a strange set up, but it works for giving attention to the cat when I'm writing without allowing him on the table at which we eat! Oddly, he knows the difference and never gets on the wrong table.

  15. I smiled all the way through! Critter owners know these things well! We have three big donkeys, a flock of chickens complete with Ernest T. Bass the rooster, and a dog here on the farm. There are times when I'd rather be indoors gathering my thoughts, reading, creating. But their interruptions are worth so much. We live our dream here. It all works together beautifully. Just like the elements of your poem. I enjoyed my visit here!

    1. We had horses, dogs and cats for a number of years...(chickens when I was a kid)
      and I must say, there is nothing like having a horse give you a warm nuzzle on a cold winter day!
      Yep, it was cold getting up at the crack of dawn and trudging through snow to throw a bale of hay...but totally worth it.

  16. ^ I have a horse and yes, lots of work but worth it. Dogs and cats too, so I understand they are an obligation - and can be quite demanding. But then, they do give us inspiration at times, so it is a fair trade off.

  17. I can imagine how two dogs and a cat might want to introduce their pawprints into a poem .. (and look that's exactly what they did)

  18. Such fun, and such a smooth read !!

  19. Oh, you've brought back many happy memories of my dog, Donna. He had a way of intruding into my solitude/loneliness, but it was always such a positive intrusion! Lovely write!


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