Friday, February 27, 2015

RePost and New

Linking to Poetry Friday at Heidi's "My Juicy Little Universe and putting out a call for poets and classrooms to participate in March Madness 2015!

Moon and icicle sky from my porch

Here's the repost from Monday part (see below for an actual poem AND a rewrite of it I did this morning - forgetting that I'd added to it already online, so now you have two poems that start the same and end differently):
Ed DeCaria at Think, Kid Think is starting the March Madness poetry writing tournament beginning on March 8. Click on the link to go there to learn more about it and see who's in it this year (I made it!).  That's the day the poets in the line-up will receive their unique word and write a kid's poem that includes that word.  The first voting round will be on March 12, when poetry lovers of all ages and registered classrooms will be able to vote on their favorite poems.  The winners of each round will go on to compete until on April 2 there is one poet left standing.

I will at least be competing in the first round!  Yea!  Maybe I'll move on to the next round - that would be exciting!

Hope you will consider joining in on the reading and voting.  It is going to be a fun month!
Who knows...maybe spring will show up in the middle of it!
Heh, heh, heh....that was kind of funny...
Welcome back to school - returning to school after Feb. Break yesterday
We are so far under snow, we might as well keep our skis and snowshoes on until next Christmas.  This may be the summer of the snowpants.

I Wear My Snowpants in July

I always wear a nice warm hat
atop my freezing head;
Winter's not the only time
I've come to really dread.
In Maine we never can rely
on days for bathing suits -
I wear my snowpants in July,
in August don warm boots.
Though summer days are longer
It would be finer fun
if we could shed these longjohns
And get warmth from the sun.
Perhaps before the snow flies
this batch will melt and go,
And we will make sand castles
instead of forts of snow.

©Donna JT Smith
New Portion
The Second Rendition

I always wear a nice warm hat
atop my freezing head;
Winter's not the only time
I've come to really dread.

In Maine we never can rely
On days for bathing suits;
I wear my snowpants in July,
in August wear my boots.

In midst of June under the moon
My socks cover cold toes;
At break of day my scarf goes on
to wrap ‘round ears and nose.

It isn’t always quite this way,
There isn’t any reason
Not to enjoy the one warm day
We have out of this season.

Put on your bathing suit that day
Get out there in the sun
On July fourth, I’m sad to say,
Summer started and is done.

©Donna JT Smith, 2015

So if you were to pick, which one would it be and why -  The first poem or the second?

Monday, February 23, 2015

March Madness Poetry 2015 Soon

Linking to Slice of Life Tuesday - and putting out a call for teachers to get their students excited about poetry by registering and participating in March Madness 2015!

Ed DeCaria at Think, Kid Think is starting the March Madness poetry writing tournament beginning on March 8. Click on the link to go there to learn more about it and see who's in it this year (I made it!).  That's the day the poets in the line-up will receive their unique word and write a kid's poem that includes that word.  The first voting round will be on March 12, when poetry lovers of all ages and registered classrooms will be able to vote on their favorite poems.  The winners of each round will go on to compete until on April 2 there is one poet left standing.

I will at least be competing in the first round!  Yea!  Maybe I'll move on to the next round - that would be exciting!

Hope you will consider joining in on the reading and voting.  It is going to be a fun month!
Who knows...maybe spring will show up in the middle of it!
Heh, heh, heh....that was kind of funny...
Welcome back to school - returning to school after Feb. Break yesterday
We are so far under snow, we might as well keep our skis and snowshoes on until next Christmas.  This may be the summer of the snowpants.

I always wear a nice warm hat
atop my freezing head;
Winter's not the only time
I've come to really dread.
In Maine we never can rely
on days for bathing suits -
I wear my snowpants in July,
in August don warm boots.
Though summer days are longer
It would be finer fun
if we could shed these longjohns
And get warmth from the sun.
Perhaps before the snow flies
this batch will melt and go,
And we will make sand castles
instead of forts of snow.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Sound Poem Day 20

This is a submission to Author Amok's 2015 poem-a-day sounds project.  Here are the guidelines for participating. 
For Day 20, the prompt was write to the sound of the reptile you chose.  My choice: The Common Garter Snake - which is plentiful in Maine.
Common Garter Snake -- Thamnophis sirtalis

S s
     ss            i i
         s s    i i       l         l  
             i i            e    t     y

I crawl to be
        over rocks
             and under tree
                  and then I stop
    and all you heard
        was the
           crinkly word
                  of a leaf
                       I crossed or a
               crossing bee.
        you won’t

Solitude or Loneliness, Who Cares Which?

It's Poetry Friday and hosted by someone I like to think of as a friend that I have never met but feel like I know - Linda Baie at Teacherdance.  If you don't know Linda yet, go there to meet her and make a new friend!  Oh, and find more poetry linkups there, too.
Additionally, on Wednesday the new Poetry Jam prompt was issued... "Write about loneliness or solitude."  I have written a poem to address the issue.

Solitude or Loneliness, Who Cares Which?

I’m all alone at home again
I’m writing, and I’ve
to ignore the constant scuffling
of two dogs by my
and then there is the white cat
being obviously
access to his sleeping place
and where he likes to
Oh, I talk to them - they listen with
their heads cocked to one
So if I say I’m lonesome
I'd have have to say I’ve
My days are not my own,
I could use some
Can't say that I don't like my pets;
I'd never be that
But when I try to gather thoughts
they carelessly
And all my writings and my dreams
seem to be pet
Solitude or loneliness -
oh, does it matter
I think that either one might
surely cure me of this
But then of course I’d lack excuse
for a poetic

©Donna JT Smith, 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015

You Think You Want Spring?

At the request of Lynn Proctor over at "My Life as Lynn Proctor", who commented on yesterday's posted poem called "Icicled Sight", I have written a poem as she requested, but the topic of which she did not request.  She requested a spring poem, but when I tried to write one, having just read the weather forecast and looking out over all the snow - which would make it very easy to jump out a window right now (like maybe you'd want to after this winter!) and not get hurt - I ended up with another winter poem.  And as I told her, I will try again later when the weathermen stop saying, "Here, have just another little bite of snow!"

So to make the ado short, here is what I came up with on short notice under duress of more snow...speaking of which, here we are this more time...everybody sing!
Snow, snow, I love snow, I'm absolutely, positively wild about snow.  Can't go around it I gotta go through...I said EVERYBODY sing!

You Think You Want Spring?
So you think you want spring
with its goodness and light?
You think you want daffodils
and shortness of night?
Well, I hear your desire
I know of your plight,
But winter’s not over
it still has some fight.
And so in your dreams
you’ll have to make do
with visions of daffy’s
and dandy-lions, too;
For gray skies are here -
they're still not true blue -
and we will be freezing
until they are due.
No matter the shovels,
roof rakes and backaches;
We’ll just have to settle for
blossoming flakes,
The snow dunes on pathways
and ice caps on lakes;
Blizzards and snow squalls
 are what winter makes.
You think you want spring now,
so this deep freeze should go?
Sorry, but winter has
more snowballs to throw
And if not for our winter
how would we know
How precious the spring
made from melting of snow?
©Donna JT Smith, 2-18-2015

I will, I will, I a spring poem soon.
I hope.
Stay warm and dry just a little bit longer.
We can do it.
We can do it.
Want to try to sing the snow song again?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Icicled Sight

As we drove by on our way home on Saturday, I spied this house.  It just looked so much like the icicles were keeping the owners from escaping, or from intruders entering (not sure which).

I had to go back to take a picture.

And then I had to write this Monorhyme...a poem in which all the lines have the same end rhyme.

Icicled Sight

We quietly dripped through the night
As long we grew and held on tight,
To mimic cavern's stalactite,
And gain immense reverso height.
Once waking, you beheld your plight
Behind our bars of icy white,
And seeing this, forsook the fight,
Submitting to our gripping bite.
Imprisoned in the dark of night
For no good reason but for spite
(Or maybe just because we might)!
You must remain till sun grows bright
And we are feeling more contrite
Then we will melt, allowing flight,
And you can once again feel light;
And all the world will seem just right
As rain, with butterflies and kite
Instead of snow and icy blight.
But don't forget next year's invite,
'Cus your dismay is our delight.

©Donna JT Smith, 2015

Here's my husband braving the frigid temps and the hip deep snow to remove our icicle imprisonment.  Good thing he had snowshoes!  He tried it without, but you can't get anywhere when you sink to your belt.  BTW, that bit of shrubbery you see poking up is a part of our 5 foot high beach rose bush at the front of our house...there's a lot more where that came from.  You wouldn't want to just try to wade through three feet of thorns hidden beneath the snow!

It's a Slice of Life Tuesday, so go see what's happening in others' lives and maybe look at some Slicer Swag!

Icicles on the side of our house - the corner ones are only a couple of inches off the snow - reaching from ceiling height to interior floor - 8 feet long.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Might Not Be Able to Go to Church Today

It's a blustery, blizzardy day today, and we could not make the trip in to church.  But that did not prevent us from reading devotions.  First thing this morning I wrote a bit of a thought, too.  So if you can't make it to church today either, don't forget to take it to God.

God in Me or I in God

When I stand alone
I am surprised
that I do not always remember
to muster with prayer
and awaken my spirit to
the Spirit of God
For it is then that He fills
and floods my insides
welling up
expanding until there is no more room
and He seeps out
flowing through pores,
an Invisible River
of Goodness and Peace
He surrounds me,
encompasses me
hedges me
with his Power and Comfort
until every fiber
every molecule
every atom of my being
is comforted,
by His presence
and I am In Him
as He is In Me; 
And that is how 
I know
will be.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

My Love is Not LIke a Red, Red Rose

It’s Valentine’s Day
a day for sweet cards
and chocolates
or wordy candies
and red, red roses
and softly scented candles -
A day for sweetheart kisses
and unexpected hugs
or a whisper
that tugs
on your heart;
but I will settle for -
I will crave -
an omelet
fried potatoes
a cup of strong coffee
a small oj
and my son
to join the two of us
for breakfast
at our favorite diner;
for there are
no finer times
than those real
life moments
to get sappy

Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Cold Meet Cold

Cold Morning in Maine - today

Cold Meet Cold

cold of ocean
ocean deep
cold meet cold
where snowbanks steep
cover rocks
and seaweeds creep
where cold meets
and icicles greet
the ground
and reach
to frozen beach
shaking hands
seas and lands
shivering timbers
quivering sands
meeting up with
silvery bands
and slivery strands
of ice and snow
where men may go
where no
one could set foot
before the throes
of winter snows.

©Donna JT Smith, 2015

Snow is over halfway up most everyone's doors - including our garage doors. Our house sits pretty high, so it is keeping our doors and windows free of snow.  The icicles are impressive, too.

 And after one blizzard and a couple major snowstorms and a bunch of minor multiple inches of snow, we are being readied for a second blizzard starting tomorrow night (Saturday) through Sunday.
Our snowbank is quite high at our house and our icicles very long.  Usually right on the coast as we are, the snows turn to wet snow and rain, lessening the amount of snow - though making driving (Ha!  I just wrote "dricing" for "driving"... which is about right!) very hazardous due to the road icing.  This year it has been all snow and cold.
Here's my snowplow guy making us a little bit o'room for the next storm...

Had to do some prep for the storm so I'm late, but linking up with Poetry Friday today at Merely Day by Day with Cathy.  Check it out!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Poetry Jam - Silence


Silence is precious
But not with a child;
A mother gets nervous
Without sounds of wild
Voices and clunking
And carrying on,
For that means there’s trouble
She’ll soon come upon.
Silence is golden
But only at night
When visions of sugarplums
Replace the day’s fight
Of brother and brother
And sisters and such,
When hitting and shoving
Become sleepy-slouched touch.
Silence is rare;
Don’t take it for granted -
If you have a child,
Silence is enchanted.

©Donna JT Smith, 2015

Today's prompt at Poetry Jam is to write about Silence.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

For a Friend Who Has Passed

To Charlotte

I hope to see you
where and
our paths cross;
until that day
I feel the loss.
I need to share
some news
and toss
a thought
into the blue
of you
to separate
the dross
and find the true
I’m at a loss
But I have gain
for having known
and laughed with
and that will
have to do
and hold me till
the where and when
our paths

Donna JT Smith, 2015

Friday, February 6, 2015


Today I am posting a bit late for Poetry Friday hosted today by Elizabeth Steinglass, and for Poetry Jam, where the prompt is to write about some sort of journey - and since I have just taken a journey by train, I opted to go literally and make up a format. See if you can tell what the pattern is that I used.
On Amtrak in Connecticut in the Storm

Clickety-Clack, Train on a Track

train on a track
       in snow and sleet
             of ties and rails
                   wind whips aloft
                        almost asleep
                   through each town
             over each hill
      the snowflakes fall
the buildings reach
      and sea at last
             home again
                       the train track ends

 ©Donna JT Smith, 2015

Ok.  Here's the format.  No.  I've changed my mind.  I'm not going to tell you.
I took Amtrak from Philly to Boston and Concord bus from Boston to Portland in the snowstorm on Monday.  We hit the whole thing.  It was an amazing storm to follow up the coast in a train all day...not so much fun on a bus in Boston with whiteout conditions...
but I made it.
You can see that the leash is actually going up in the picture.  I am standing below her.  She's up on top of the snow....we have about 33 inches right now - more in that spot.  She's eye-level with me here.
I've been visiting with grandkids and my daughter for over a week AND we have a new puppy, so I have not had much time to write. Oh, and I've been shoveling...and shoveling...and shoveling...and snowed in and blizzarded in a few times over the past two weeks.
The snow was sticky for this last storm so it made for some beautiful frosting on the trees, but heavy to move it.
The concentration just hasn't been there.  Surprise, surprise.

Spiritual Journey Thursday: Wholeness

  Spiritual Journey Thursday is hosted today by Denise Krebs and you can find more posts by going to her site and reading the comments wit...