Monday, April 3, 2017

COOKN4U #AtoZChallenge

Yesterday was the third day of the Progressive Poem, and Doraine Bennett, at Dori Reads supplied the third line.  Let's visit Michelle at Today's Little Ditty to see what's in store next! Here's the poem is so far:
I'm fidget, friction, ragged edges--
I sprout stories that frazzle-dazzle
stories of castles, of fires that crackle

The schedule of poets in April is on the side navigation if you want to check where it is heading this month.  I'm day 21 to add a line...that's a looong way off!  Lots can happen in before it arrives here!

There are a lot of letters in the A to Z Challenge between now and then, too!
Notes about this challenge:
The A to Z Challenge is to write to the letters of the alphabet in order, one a day each day in April, except on Sundays.  
I am, for the second year, posting vanity plates in Maine.  Because it is April, National Poetry Month, I'm going to write a poem based on the the license plate. On Sunday I will post a bonus plate - an extra one I've found that intrigues me.    
To find more A to Z Challenge blog posts, click on any A to Z Challenge link I've made in this post, or the  C badge above. Read through the comment links on that page and see what interests you.  Read.  Comment. Spread the love of our alphabet around!
If you are commenting here, please include your post's link so that I can return the visit easily.  I'd like to visit your site, if you don't mind!

If you want to see where I've visited, click on A to Z Challenge in the tab at the top and it will take you to a padlet of links.  If you want to see yours there, visit me.  If you are doing the A to Z Challenge, I'll visit you and link you.

Today is the third day of the alphabet, and dedicated to the letter C.  Or as Sesame Street used to say "Brought to you by the letter C!"

So here is a plate of C today, and a side of poem for Poetry Month.

Song of the Cook

Bacon and eggs,
Sausage and ham,
Breakfast of champions;
Pan fried Spam.
Steak with mushrooms,
Broccoli, greens;
Spaghetti with meat sauce,
Chili with beans.
Lobster and clams,
chicken and chops,
mutton and liver,
fresh from the shops
I B cookn 4 U,
N M Hap-E 2 do it
But give me a crock pot
Cuz I'd rather stew it.

Donna JT Smith, 4/2017

See last year's Letter C Vanity Plates from Maine, with the poem for CHAPS.
See you tomorrow for "D delightful" next Vanity Plate!


  1. Cause I'd rather stew it... ha ha ha! Love this. Great work!
    J -- Co-host the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer
    2017 THEME = Speculative fiction story featuring telepathy.

  2. What a fun way to play with this challenge! C is for Character

  3. I am a vegetarian yet your poem has made me very hungry... I am yet to have dinner and it is dinner time here... No wonder :)

  4. I bet this person is a chef or something! It's interesting to wonder what makes people choose the plates they do.

    26 Things To Hate About Writing: C is for Creating Characters

  5. Very clever, enjoyed your poem. Tinbugs


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