Friday, February 14, 2014

Lavender Light to Velvet Night

Today is Poetry Friday, hosted by Linda Baie at TeacherDance.  You must get over there and see what she has in store this Valentine's Day...lots of links to poems, too!
Happy Valentine's Day!

This first poem came to me as I sat looking out the front windows at the snow in the later evening, just as the sun had been rumored to set (but since it was snowing furiously who could tell that there really was a sun today).  I was thinking about puzzle pieces and how you can look at a picture and think, hey, that's light blue, but then you hold it up beside something you know is blue, and it isn't, it's lavender.  And that is what color the snow looked in the evening light to me.

Lavender Light

when crimson has set
but dark is not yet
it’s lavender light
before velvet night
lavender snow
on lavender trail
lavender trees
in lavender veil
it’s a lavender eve
when the sun's taken leave
and the snow keeps on falling
sweet lavender’s calling
watch it and see
how long it can stay
before close of day
it hovers and glows
until deeper it grows
and lavender’s melted away
as night's velvet curtain
is lowered on day.

And then, I started to write a serious poem, from the heart... but it dissolved.
Not that this isn't serious (okay, it isn't really) and heartfelt...  it is (yes, it is!).
But it is a bit lighthearted (okay very lighthearted) for this Valentine's Day!  I am sorry, but I could not help myself once I got started.  If I missed any good phrases, it's because I finally had to call a halt to it.  I called a halt to it about five times, maybe more, before I stopped.  Really.  I've stopped. I am going to bed.  Right after I click Publish.  Oh, one more... I think I'm "heartsick".  Anyone who writes this way has to be sick.

Lighthearted Heartthrob

A man after my own heart
Showed up one day.
My heart wasn’t in it.
“Come in, sit and visit,”
I could not be heartless.
"Tea?" I asked.
"Heartwarming," he dubbed it.
My heart of stone
Had a change of heart.
And soon returned his visit.
"Sweets?" he asked.
"Such a sweetheart," I murmured.
My heart skipped a beat.
And we began to talk
Heart to heart,
In heartfelt words,
Listening with our hearts.
It seemed that in a heartbeat
We got to the heart of the matter,
Yes, those matters of the heart.
And our hearts wholeheartedly agreed
And heartily declared indeed,
Straight from the heart,
That they would start
To beat as one
What were we to do?
Our hearts were in it.
Our hearts.
Would be too
So we listened to our hearts,
And we have followed them,
And we have stayed
With happy hearts
No matter where they led -
Our home is where the heart is!

(Happy Valentine's Day, Sweetheart!)


  1. Lavender on snow – I remember it well. One of the most transcendent hues in the universe, I think. And, I agree, home is where the heart is. Indeed, I’ve never seen lavender snow anywhere else – but home.

    1. It was such a pretty evening sitting by the fire and watching that lavender snow.

  2. "What were we to do?
    Our hearts were in it." ha, yes, this is definitely lighthearted! I can see how it would be hard to stop :-)

    1. Oh, it was so, so sad. I just couldn't keep myself from writing more. And more. And more. It's finally over. I can stop... any time I want to.

  3. I agree, it does often look lavender, Donna. And your love poem, I adore it, and the story you told, rather a 'never-ending' story, isn't it? Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. As the old Lambchop song goes: "Yes, it goes on and on, my friend."

  4. I love both and they are such an interesting combination--similar with their repetition and long but short-lined forms--but different in their tones. I love your repetition of lavender and all your different uses of heart.

    1. Thank you for that observation, Liz. I hadn't thought about how the pieces were alike. I only saw their differences, and thus my confusion lately as to my actual "voice"!

  5. Great poems, Donna. Your second one made me chuckle--"Forsaking our hearts/would be too heartbreaking." Wonderful!

    1. I'm very happy that it gave you a laugh! It was worth putting it out there then and going slightly insane for!

  6. Your sweetheart poem I found quite touching, thank you for sharing it, and your sweetheart for loving you!

    1. I'm glad you liked it. I hope you are having a sweet day!

  7. I can see the "lavender light" Donna. And your sweetheart poem made me smile. Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! It's been a great day!

  8. Lavender Light is lovely and magical. Take heart, we enjoyed your lighthearted heartstopping heart melting straight to the heart poem. I can see why it would be hard (hearted) to stop! :D

    1. Oh, good heart stuff! It is so hard to stop sometimes, isn't it?

  9. I went all "awww" after I read both poems. Lavender Light called to me probably because it's one of my favourites. :) Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Thanks, Myra! Hope your Valentine's Day was special and happy, too!

  10. So we listened to our hearts,
    "And we have followed them,
    And we have stayed
    With happy hearts
    No matter where they led -
    Our home is where the heart is!"
    A great poem and great advice for happily ever after. Happy Valentine's Day! <3

    1. It has seemed to work for a good number of years! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

  11. For the first one: OOooooh!

    For the second one: HA!

    1. And that's what I was "hummering" to myself as I was writing! Yea!

  12. I love Lavender Light. So beautiful! And I can see you had a lot of fun with Lighthearted Heartthrob. Delightful!

  13. I love the images in Lavender Light, especially "lavender trees/ in lavender veil." Gorgeous! And your lighthearted, serious, heartfelt poem is exactly that, just as love really is. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks! Lighthearted and serious love is the best!

  14. Your first poem swept me away with the image of a lavender veil settling on the snow. Your second poem, both lighthearted and heartwarming, made me smile.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed them. It is snowing here again... I think I'll be seeing more lavender light this evening if the conditions are right!

  15. Beautiful poems, Donna! I love your lavender imagery--so perfect!

    1. Thanks, Becky. I'm glad you could stop by on this snowy day!

  16. Lavender Light caught my favorite moment of a day. Thank you!


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