Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Winter Daffodil


This is the first time I've ever bought daffodils that were going to bloom in the house in the middle of winter.  I was just drawn to them in the grocery store.  $3.99.  Lots of green.  No blossoms.
And the very next day one stem with a yellow football started up the green highway between the leaves.  And another.  And they opened.  And then a couple more.  And more.  Until now I have 16 bright yellow daffodils looking around the kitchen or out the window - for they do look like they are peeking about.
I'm glad I got my mini-daffodils.  They make a nice sunny spot in the kitchen with a backdrop of white snow.
They make me smile, even though they are a bit daffy.

So here you go. 

Winter Daffodil

So daffodelicate
and daffodelightful;
They're daffodelicious,
More yellow, less whiteful.
Yet they're daffodelerious
If they think it is spring;
There's cold wind galore -
It's not bees with that sting!
Inside where it's warm
They're so daffodeluded
It's easy to think
That winter's concluded;
They have daffodelusions
Daffodwelling inside 
With warm air infusions
As in pots they reside.

It's Slice of Life Tuesday at Two Writing Teachers, so head on over to see what's going on in other people's lives today!


  1. Oh, I love this! So whimsical, a little slice of spring just like the flowers. We can use all the bits of spring we can get here in New England, huh?

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed Winter Daffodils. They are pretty cheerful. Spring just doesn't get here very early where we are. Guess I can be thankful we aren't way up north in potato country where my mother-in-law is!

  2. Great poem! I hope it brings us closer to spring. You are getting the 6 inches we just got yesterday ;-(

    1. Glad you like it! Now. About that snow. If we're getting the 6 inches YOU got yesterday...why didn't you just keep it? We don't want it! We have enough. You want me to send it back???

  3. I love the wordplay here, Donna! Especially "daffodelusions" - I'm having them, too - of Spring!

    1. Remember those old movies where they are trekking across the desert and see a mirage - an oasis of water and palm trees? Yeah, that's what I'm seeing... a tropical island...just out there a bit...if I can just keep walking in my snowshoes, I'm sure I'll get to that warm oasis.

  4. I loved the photo of your daffodils. It is so cold and miserable here in Oregon today, but the lovely pop of color made me fill with warmth. Thank you for sharing.

    1. It's snowing like crazy here tonight! I'll be glad when the outside daffodils bloom.

  5. How delightful it must be to enter your kitchen and see such a beautiful view of yellow peaking out at you. Flowers do make such a difference when there is nothing but snow and more snow outside. Enjoy their daffodilicious blooms.

    1. I didn't know I'd appreciate them so much. And they last much longer than cut flowers.

  6. And I guess you're a bit daffodelirious about this winter too! What a nice gift you gave yourself, especially with all that snow-wow! The poem is exquisite, Donna-flowers bring words too!

    1. Our snowplow guy is getting a nice check this year...
      The blooms have certainly been a welcome site even though they are in the house. I may have to do this every year now!

  7. This is delightful. Wonderful wordsmithing. That - and your choice of going with rhyme - is poetry perfection. My kind of verse!

  8. Such a daffodelightful slice. Both the pic and your wordplay bring brightness and hope (or daffodelusions.) This was fun to read.


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