Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thank You for Yesterday

I was overwhelmed by the blitzing yesterday.  It was so incredible to have that many people visit my site.  I hoped that no one was disappointed in their time spent!  It occurred to me that it could have been a silly waste of time - a nice gesture - but still a waste of someone's time.  For those who don't like poetry it probably WAS a checklist item... go there, grit your teeth when you see it is poetry time, read it (maybe), comment, done, get on to something else.  And for anyone who was looking for tips about writing... not here.  For a paranormal experience?  Nope.  Won't happen here.  For a funny, squirt milk out your nose laugh?  Not yesterday anyway!  For a cute cat picture?  Sorry, not yesterday - Purrsee wasn't posing in our frying pan again.  For a cute, young blogger with fluttering eyelashes?  Ha! She's been here, but left a few years ago.

So...SO...for all of you that visited yesterday and read my poems of trees and sight, whether you got what you came for or just checked off a list item, I want to thank you.  Thank you, because whether YOU got what YOU were willing to give someone else something that THEY needed!

And I am so grateful for this experience and happy that I have blitzed others alongside you.  It's an incredible experience and I wish it upon everyone!


  1. I can't speak for anyone else, but I came away with more than I bargained for. Two lovely poems that I still recall today. :)

    I'm glad you enjoyed the Blitz.

    1. Thank you! I'm go happy you enjoyed them, and happy you came up with such a great idea to blitzify the world!

  2. I like reading all kinds of posts, poetry included...just wish I could write poetry but alas, I'm terrible at it, but not you! I really enjoyed your poems.

    1. I'm happy you dropped in and glad you liked the poems. I dropped by your site and had a good time!

  3. I'm blitzing a day late...sort of like like the chubby plane that is slowly making its way over the terrain...anyhow, glad I'm late because that was the sweetest thank you.

    I'll have to come back, even if I don't squir milk out of my nose by a crazy cat picture. I do have a thing for good people...people who count their small blessings. :)

    1. Ha! I'm going to be thinking about that one all day! "like the chubby plane that is slowly making its way over the terrain"! Some days I certainly feel like that!
      I'm so glad you dropped by after the crowd left. It is much appreciated!

  4. I like a bit of poetry glad I stopped by and pleased you enjoyed the experience.

    1. I really did enjoy it. Lots of fun! Dropped by your site and saw Ellie's cover reveal. Very nice of you to help her promote it!

  5. I thoroughly enjoyed your post yesterday. See? I came back for more!

    I'm glad the blitz was such a pleasant experience for you.

  6. I feel so bad for missing it! Glad the day turned out wonderful :)


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