Wednesday, June 19, 2013

In Celebration of Seeing Trees

At long last all the trees in Maine are sporting fresh greens, and I have sprouted glasses.  These coinciding events have made me doubly appreciative of each.   See yesterday's post "The Blessing of Sight".

I got carried away and decided to literally focus on trees for today.  I pulled the first rhyming poem from my file of poem parts and finished editing it, and then the second one, non-rhyming, is hot off the press, having just popped out of my brain and plopped out on the page.

So now the two Poet Trees to celebrate Seeing Trees... that would be ME seeing trees, not trees that actually SEE... but you knew that. 

Poplars never stand alone
Where one is there’s another
And if the other’s not a friend
It’ll be a sis or brother.
They shake their green well-spangled arms
When winds begin to shout
They flutter-dance and clap and swing
Till leaves laugh inside out.
A happy lot the poplar is-
So friendly and quite popular
From spreading roots below its trunk
To the upper tippy-topular.

And my second "Seeing Trees" poem today:

I never saw you
this way before
or maybe I have
but it's been so long
that I forgot -
I forgot
how your arms
could reach out
to greet me
how up and down
your rough exterior
valleys were created
for ants and caterpillars
and made harsh lichened wrinkles
that skinned my elbows and knees
I've rediscovered how
shadows play with you
and make you
twinkle and shimmer
I seem to remember
how crisp your leaf edges
could be
I am fascinated at
the perfection in
all your imperfections
flora of forest
with fantasy
roots housing
woodland fairies
and chattering
providing lofty shelter
for birds and
cupping feathered nests
shading turkeys and deer
that scratch and browse below
while overhead
squirrels make their
way on unnamed roads
and highways
without stop signs
or speed limits
I want to see
all the splendor
of your world
If I were younger
I would climb
as I did in years past
to look at the world
surrounded by a leafy frame
but today I sit below
leaning against
the solid
age concealing bark
my head tilted skyward
looking up
at your leafy

Have a wonderful day!  Hug a tree if you get a chance!


  1. Good stuff! Happy blog blitz day from a fellow New Englander!

  2. I so love both of those, but I absolutely connected with the imagery in the second. Very lovely. Happy Blog Blitz!!!

  3. Agreed with Susan. Lovely imagery. Glad I took the time to visit!

  4. Nature is very fascinating if we take the time to look at it :)

    Great poems and happy Blitz Day!! :D

  5. Happy Blitz Day, Donna!

    Love the poems! I like to make up words (like porchervations), so you get extra coolness points for tippy-topular! :O) And while I was reading the 2nd poem, my mind's eye was following right along.

    Have a SUPER rest of the day!

  6. Lovely use of language. Happy Blitz!

  7. Love the poems, the second one a bit more than the first.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  8. Happy Blog Blitz Day!! Beautiful poetry!

  9. i love trees . my husband is so tall i call him a tree. beautiful poems. what a great gift to have such freedom with words. happy blitz day from ireland. lucy


  10. i love trees . my husband is so tall i call him a tree. beautiful poems. what a great gift to have such freedom with words. happy blitz day from ireland. lucy

    1. sorry i signed in in the wrong one. have a lovely day. its sunny here. lucyx

  11. Well that was just wonderful...HB2U!

    Jeremy [Retro]
    Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

  12. Lovely poetry, I enjoyed them very much. Happy Blitz Day!

  13. Happy Blitz Day!!!!! I loved your first poem- so talented. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a terrific day!

  14. Thanks for sharing your poems! I'm a tree lover living on the Canadian prairies where there just aren't enough of them. Your poems make me want to move back east and reminded me of that magic I felt as a kid growing up in a very forested area. Hope you have a wonderful Blitz Day!

  15. Enjoyed your poems, Happy Blitz day,


  16. Happy blitz day! Trees (woods, forests) are in my top 5 fav things ever, and the second poem is just amazing, I loved it :)
    Suzanne @Suzannes Tribe

  17. I loved the second one. Enjoy the blitz! :)

  18. We live right next to a wood (it's at the bottom of our garden) and it's certainly a privilege to watch it change through the seasons. The birds seem to like it too.

  19. Cool poems - thanks for sharing. It must be great to have trees all around you - especially for those New England autumns.

  20. Beautiful poems - reminded me of the story of the National Society of Tree Climbers! :)

    So great to find you via the Blitz - look forward to perusing your site.

  21. Beautiful picture and poems. We should make it Hug A Tree day!

    Happy Blog Blitz!

  22. I'll give a tree a nice 'pat on the back' today. Sad how we neglect trees. Nice post. You've been blitzed!

  23. What beautiful imagery. I feel like I'm right with you and those trees.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  24. A timely post for me, it was just saying if I had to choose one favourite thing in the world it would probably be trees, just because looking at the forest near my home makes me feel so happy and apart from mans destruction of them they are so consistent and sustaining.. I love the imagery of highways on the upper branches, and the bark covering it's real age... I wish you the perfect tree that you can climb at any age... I'm going to see if I can find one to climb in 'my' forest today :)

  25. Trees bring me back to home, thanks for the poem share, and happy blitz day

  26. I like your second sturdy poem. Looks like a tree. As someone who also wears glasses and can truly appreciate them when I have them on, "crisp leaf edges" resonates with me.

  27. Beautiful poems. Reminds me how much beauty surrounds us if only we stop and take the time to look. Happy Blog Blitz Day!

  28. Beautiful odes to trees. Happy Blitz Day!

  29. Happy Blitz Day to you, Donna. Hope you enjoy it. :)

  30. Hello, Donna! Your poems are wonderful. I love trees! One of my favorite sounds is the leaves rustling in the wind.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  31. Thanks for sharing your poems and Happy Blitz Day!

  32. I've rediscovered how shadows play with you

    I love that passage! I have three tree's right outside my front door, one of which is barely hanging on after a nasty ice storm last year. I'll give them a special wink this morning!! :)

    Oh've been BLITZED!

    1. This has been incredible! I've loved every minute of it! What a wonderful surprise today - thanks!

  33. Beautiful, beautiful poem. Very deep!
    Happy Blitz Day!

  34. Lovely imagery. Happy Blitz Day!

  35. Beautiful poems, great imagery. Happy Blitz Day.

  36. Hi, Donna! Nice blog. I enjoyed your poems about trees. Happy Blitz Day!
    : )

  37. I love looking up at the patterns in leaves.

    Happy Blitz day!

  38. What lovely poems! I especially enjoyed "till leaves laugh inside out" and

    "I am fascinated at
    the perfection in
    all your imperfections

    Happy Blitz Day!

  39. I adore trees! They are some of my best buds! Happy Blitz Day! =)

  40. Happy Blitz Day! I live on a ranch in Kansas and one of my favorite things here are the beautiful trees. Love that you appreciate those in Maine as well. :-) Enjoy your day!

  41. I love trees too, especially the variations in the colors of the leaves and the texture of the bark.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

  42. new eyes bring out everything - the color pops, the bark of a tree is more gnarly. Great poems. Here in Texas, we've been a green for awhile. Sadly, with no rain heading to brown leaves again. Enjoy cool breezes in Maine. Happy Blog Blitz

  43. Wonderful poems! Happy Blitz Day!

  44. Today my choir sang: "I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them bloom, for me and you, and I think to myself... what a wonderful world!"
    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

    Writer In Transit

  45. I love the look of your blog...and the name...and "upper tippy-topular" officially made my morning. I am a poet too, but my official writing is about wellness, fitness, food and the like. I need to remember the joy I get from visiting writers' sites and I'll remember to insert more secret poetry into my own too. Hey, nutrition discussion needs all the help it can get. Enjoy your blog blitz...and I will hug a tree today, by the way, have yard work to do here on a beautiful Chicagoland morning!

  46. Thank you. I am a tree hugger and a tree lover. Your words inspire.

  47. Hello, Donna! I remember when I first got glasses, it was like being able to see for the first time--a truly amazing experience! Happy blitz day! :D

  48. I never appreciated seeing trees like flowers before. Lovely. Happy Blitz day!

  49. I love poetry! Can't write it, but I love to read it. LOL
    Happy Blitz Day!

  50. Lovely poems, I'd love to teach my children the first one. Off I go to hug the nearest tree. Best wishes on your Blitz Day!

  51. Beautiful hommage! Thank you! Happy blitz day! :)

  52. Oh how lovely! I am from the South and here the landscape is a Mecca of trees...they fill your vision at every turn, all shapes, sizes, colors and smells. I love seeing them covered in green right now but I also appreciate the grays and soft browns in winter...loved the imagery in the second poem! Fantastic

    Happy Blitz Day!!!!

  53. I love trees, too. One of my favorite sounds is rustling leaves; glad to see you're going to be hearing that soon.

  54. I write a lot about trees too. Wherever I am, I am happy as long as I can see a tree. I find them so calming. Happy Blitz Day!

  55. I love it when the trees finally show leaves, it almost seems to happen overnight. I'm sure it's even better now that you can really enjoy them.

    Happy Blitz Day :)

  56. Hello from the Blitz!

    I'm originally from Maine (moved as far away as New Hampshire) and I love, love, love trees. I hug them on a regular basis.

  57. I love trees! This spring, especially, I seem to be really noticing their shapes and colours. I think your poems capture that wonderfully!

    Happy Blitz Day :-)

  58. Wow! I LOVE the first one and the second reminds me of summer afternoons when my mind wonders. Absolutely lovely.

    And, of course, HAPPY BLITZ DAY!

  59. I love this poetry, it really makes me want to go out to the woods! I love trees and leaves and generally earthy things, so this was a great topic. Happy Blog Blitz!

  60. Hi Donna,
    Lovely poems. You made the trees come alive.
    Happy Blitz Day!

  61. My favorite tree is the weeping willow, but I love the magnolia tree, too! Nice poetry! You're very artistic! Happy Blitz Day:)

  62. Happy blog blitz day, Donna!!! What BEAUTIFUL imagery. It makes me want to go out to the park and sit under a tree. There's something so calm and happy about being under their branches. My favorite: "If I were younger I would climb as I did in years past to look at the world surrounded by a leafy frame." Just lovely. Thank you for sharing your summery words with us!

  63. I love the second one especially. Both are lovely poems. I was enjoying the beauty of several trees this morning. Enjoy your Blitz!! :)

  64. Wow! The symbolism and imagery is beautiful in this poem. Happy Blog Blitz Day! Best of Wednesday to you.

  65. I loved the first poem about poplars. I love rhymy poems! Happy blitz day!

  66. Happy Blitz Day! I love your poems! Cute word play on poplar and popular!

  67. Oh my goodness, what GORGEOUS poetry. I wonder what kind of prose you'd come up with if you were gazing at the palm trees out my window. ;)

  68. Happy blitz day.

    I love tree-lined streets, which is what I see in my parts. Also palm trees.

  69. Nice poems. I love trees too. Happy Blitz Day!

  70. I could never write poetry - every time I try, it just sounds silly. Yours are lovely :)

  71. Hoory for trees! Excellent timing for me with these lovely poems as I've just returned from the national parks in Wyoming where there are sooo many beautiful treeeees! Enjoy that "new" vision!

  72. Lovely poems! From one tree-hugger to another: Happy Blitz Day :)

  73. I do love trees. My town Chicago is in Cook County, one of the most forested counties in the US. Terrific poems, very visual and picturesque.

  74. Wow, Donna. Both the poems and the lead in as well were so well written. How I experienced the trees in a clean, fresh light, enjoying them, soaking in your lovely words. I am a new follower. Congratulations on being able to be "seeing trees" anew. I hope you enjoy your blitz. God bless, Delight Directed Living

  75. Those trees are quite large. Happy Blitz Day :)

  76. I love trees!!! I also live near Chicago and enjoy looking at the beautiful trees in the yard. Happy Blitz Day!

  77. It's amazing how glasses can change our world. It's easy to get used to not seeing the sharper edges of our world. We miss much of the beauty and the play of light and texture.

    Your poems reflect the joy of really seeing the trees the beauty of the light and shadows, the reconnecting with an old friend.


  78. Fantastic poems! Trees are beautiful and needed, what a beautiful homage to them ;)

    Happy blitz day!!!

  79. Awesome post and definitely interesting poems.
    Happy Blitz Day!

  80. Beautiful! My grandmother had 3 poplars in her garden in the U.K. They hold a special place in my heart.

  81. Happy Blitz! LOVED your poems. I love trees, and love sitting under them, enjoying the shade. We planted three trees in our front yard when we moved into this house almost thirteen years ago, and it's such a joy to watch them grow, one from a tiny one foot "stick" to the towering 15' tree that gives me shade when I garden. Simply amazing.
    Tina @ Life is Good

  82. Wonderful poems! And Happy Blitz Day, it's great to meet you! :)

  83. It's great to find a fellow poet and your poems are awesome! Btw, you've been blitzed! (:

  84. Beautiful poem! I'm not a poet. I always envy people who can write them so eloquently.

    Oh, you've just been blitzed. :)

    Happy day to you,
    Michelle :)
    Author, PODs available now!

  85. These are fantastic! I haven't written any poetry since my high school days, but I love the topic and also the inclusion of 'fairies' in the 2nd poem. Wonderful overall feeling to them as well. Happy Blitz Day :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

  86. Wow.
    I feel like I need to go outside and bask a bit. :)
    You've been blitzed!
    Have a great day!

  87. Happy Blitz!! And I looove this poem. My MG/YA debut ARROW OF THE MIST is full of Celtic tree lore, so reading your post put a big smile on my face :-) Trees are simply awesome.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Nice to meetcha, Donna. How does it feel to be totally blitzed???

    I came here to join the gang in doing something nice for you, but instead found something nice for ME... your blog! I loved this post, and all the earlier ones I read here, too. Count me in as your newest groupie.

    (Oh, and if you think you can see well now, just wait until you get that cataract surgery... you'll see vibrant colors you didn't even remember existed!)

    Happy Blitz Day!

  90. Beautiful poem, and a wonderful blog! Stopping by with Blog Blitz! :)

  91. Great poems. There's something almost magical about nature.

    Happy blog blitz day! New follower. :)

  92. Those are really nice poems! Years ago, I had an idea of writing a book about a young orphaned girl who's raised by trees and learns to speak tree language.

  93. Both of them are beautiful, but I really liked the second one. I love the mystery of trees, especially the really old ones. It's like they hold a secret history.

  94. Your second poem is so lovely!

    "I've rediscovered how
    shadows play with you
    and make you
    twinkle and shimmer" - just love that.

    And "elegant
    flora of forest
    with fantasy
    roots housing
    woodland fairies" - that is how my mom, my sister and I have always looked at trees. We're not far away, in Nova Scotia *waving hi*

  95. Both of your poet trees were lovely, Donna, I really enjoyed your imagery! I especially loved this line, "Till leaves laugh inside out." A beautiful tribute:) Cheers from a fellow tree-hugger!

  96. Aaah. That was satisfying food for the soul! Thank you!

    BTW - you've been blitzed! Happy Blitz Day!

  97. I love trees and love your poems. I'm a sporadic blitz-er but so glad I popped in to read your poetry.

  98. Beautiful! Poplars are one of my favourite trees. Your second poem is magical!

    Brandy's Bustlings

  99. I love your tree photos and poems.
    That first pic is gorgeous!

    Happy Blitz Day!!!

  100. Yes, a beautiful picture of the trees, and lovely poetry. I love trees, there is much to be said about them, and your poems covered them well! Sandy of

  101. Donna, Happy Blitz Day!

    I enjoyed both poems, but I really loved the second one. It's flow, the imagery. Really loved it! New glasses can really give us a refreshingly new perspective, can't they? :-)

    Lyre at Lyre's Musings

  102. I get so much inspiration from nature as well! I'm joining the Blog Blitz from cottage country in beautiful Northern Ontario, Canada!

    Happy writing!

  103. You've been blitzed - you tree hugger you!

    Trees and poetry, two fine things ~

  104. Your poems made me want to run outside and thank the trees in my yard for being my dear friends! Happy Blitz day :)

  105. Can't beat poetry about nature...

    I love your background graphic...BTW! Splendid place to sit back and enjoy the view and writing!

  106. love your imagery! beautiful poems! so glad i blitzed by!

    donna calls maine home
    shares beautiful scenery
    in poetic verse

  107. Blitzing by today - great poem!

  108. Happy Blitz Day! I love trees. I spent a large part of my childhood climbing trees and hiding out in my tree house. Love the poems!

  109. I grew up with huge oak trees sporting beards of moss . . . Love them! Happy Blitz!


  110. Your page looks great. I love your photos and poemns today. Happy Blitz Day!

  111. Love your poems! So nice to meet you--blog blitz is such a great way to meet bloggers! Enjoy your day!

  112. Beautiful! And Happy Blitz Day! I love hugging some trees too. :)

  113. Hooray for trees! My Saturday post was a picture of me hugging a big ol' Ponderosa Pine :)
    Happy Blitz Day!

  114. Such lovely poems. It should be hug-a-tree day :)

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

  115. Love the trees. They really do talk! Enjoy your blitz.

  116. There are two enormous palm trees near my home. I love to sit and watch as they dance with one another to nature's music. I shall watch them, again, today. Beautiful post. Happy Blitz day!

  117. Love the tree theme for today! I based my business logo on a tree Likoma. This is very nice:

    I am fascinated at
    the perfection in
    all your imperfections

    Bradley from Pass the Sour Cream

  118. Wow, so beautiful! I'm so glad to find you through the Blog Blitz! I'm a new follower :)

    Meredith’s Musings

  119. As someone who has worn glasses since I was 12 years old, every new pair I look at the world in a whole new way. You inspired me to take a walk outside. You've been blitzed.

  120. my backyard is a forest so I get to take in beauty each day

    beautiful verse
    hope you are enjoying your day of being blitzed

  121. I recently traded palm trees for beautiful Ponderosa pines. I love these majestic beauties. some great verse you got going there. BTW in case you haven't noticed, you've been blitzed.

  122. I love your second poem! Beautiful.


  123. Love the poems. Happy Blog Blitz!

  124. Great poem. Keep up the good work and happy blitz day.

  125. Trees are a blessing, as is your gift for writing and the return of your vision. Happy Blitz Day!

  126. Wonderful poem; wonderful tribute to the almight tree. May they outlast us all.

    Thank you and take care!

    Deb (blitzer)

  127. Hi there! Happy Blog Blitz! I really enjoyed the poplar poem. "Spangled" is one of my favorite words and I don't see it used often enough.

  128. Love the poems! Great shots of the trees, too! I remember when I could first "see" for the first time. It was AMAZING!
    Have a wonderful day!! Enjoy those tress extra for the rest of us!
    ~S.A. Jones (Blitzer)

  129. Beautiful! Love the poems & photos, I'm a huge tree fan. Wishing you a Blitz Day filled with a joy that takes root and continues to grow!

    VR Barkowski

  130. I've never looked at trees like that before. You have a great eye for seeing what we all look at. May your Blitz day grow and continue as the day continues.

  131. Happy Blog Blitz Day. Tress are awesome aren't they?

  132. Happy Blitz Day!!! Wonderful post!

  133. I'm a big tree lover myself. Happy Blitz Day! :)

  134. I hugs trees when given the opportunity. Wonderful poems, lovely pictures. And by now you must know you have been lovingly blitzed!

  135. I'm stopping by from the Blog Blitz!
    I LOVE that moment when you look outside and suddenly realize that all the trees are green and full of life again (I live in MN). Because even though you see them budding and the early ones shooting leaves, there's always that one moment for me, every year, where I just suddenly take in all the green

  136. what a beautiful omage to trees and life!

  137. Hi Donna! I enjoyed your poems. I live in Idaho and I love the moment when everything is finally green again. Great post!

    Happy Blitz Day!! :)

  138. I do love a good tree. Nice poem. Happy Blitz Day!

  139. I see your Tree of Friends has grown quite large, and I'm happy to be counted among them. Happy Blitz Day! What a great way with words...especially since they just popped right outta your brain...Poplars are one of my those leaves. Well done!

    Sue CollectInTexasGal~Today's Post~
    Tombstone Tuesday...Chester's Stone Stump Still Standing

    I love ode to trees! Trees are prolly my fave thing in the world. :)

  141. Aloha Donna,

    Happy Blitz Day to you in Maine from me in Honolulu :)

    The Blitz reaches far... :)

  142. Consider yourself well and truly blitzed.

    Dave Wrote This

  143. Happy blitz day! Being in Florida, sometimes I forget about trees losing their leaves. :)

  144. I love trees. I take photos of them all the time. They're wonderful things. Happy Blitz!

  145. I love trees. Happy Blitz day!!

  146. Just on my way to hug one now. Happy Blitz Day!

  147. What beautiful poetry! Glad I'm part of the Blitz so I could read it=)

    Happy Blitz Day!

  148. Happy Blog Blitz day from Texas! They've been clearing trees near my home and both of my kids were a little upset by it. "There goes another forest!" "It's just like The Lorax Mama." I'm going to go hug a tree now!

  149. Congratulations on being Blitzed!!! Happy Blog Blitz Day. It's great to meet a fellow Mainer, Donna. I totally recognize those trees. Great post!

  150. Hey Donna,
    I'm late to the blitzing. Like the Poems. The language makes the trees seem like they're characters in a world of their own.

  151. This has been an amazing day! I've been trying to comment on bloggers' pages instead of here, returning the visits, but I can't always find you! If I can't get to your page or haven't replied, know that I so appreciate the kind words and encouragement! It is an incredible feeling to have so many drop in. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will continue to visit your sites as best I can and comment there or reply to you here. Hope you had as wonderful a day as I did!

  152. Lovethe poems! The second one is my favorite, though they're both great! Congrats on your glasses and happy blitz day!

  153. Congrats on the glasses. I bet there will be a whole heap of things you see with new eyes now.

  154. I love those poems, especially the second - such vivid imagery! Thanks so much for sharing them!

  155. I am not good with poetry but I think those who can write it have a special gift. I love the trees, though. Happy blitz day!

  156. While I like the first one most among the two, there is a portion of the second poem that stands out like wildfire. The part where you wrote "I want to see
    all the splendor of your world" is nicely put together.

    Just a breadcrumb from me to you, with a cherry Blitz on top :)

    Post #atozchallenge Road Trip Co-Host

  157. Woah Donna! Bread crumbs? I'd leave a whole freshly baked loaf with a little bag of raisins!

    Loved your poetry - I find trees very fascinating and never get enough of photographing them!

    The mention of "Maine" always makes me think of Stephen King. :D

    Glad to be "blitz"ing you today! And thank you for the reminder - I gotta fill my eyeglasses prescription too!

    Vidya Sury
    AtoZChallenge Survivor

  158. Beautiful poetry and pictures! So glad I stopped by today! Happy Blitz day!

  159. Great poems. I also love the emergence of new leaves in the spring. Happy Blitz Day!

  160. Lovely poems. I like the titles Poet Trees and Seeing Trees. A unique way of seeing the world.


  161. I love your poems and nothing prettier than those Maine trees!
    I'm from Searsport, ME(near Belfast) I miss it~

  162. Amazing poems...such spectacular imagery!

  163. I'm late-- so sorry! I can't even blame it on the time zone this time. :/ But I'm gald I made it over here because your poems are truly lovely! :D

    1. Thank you, Elise! I'm happy that you enjoyed them and happy that you took the time to visit!

  164. I read your blog, and you sure show 'em
    A tree's less lovely than a poem.

  165. What a wonderful post! I'm so sorry I'm late, but I still wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Blitz Day. ☺ I hope it was wonderful.

  166. What a lovely poem! I'm late as well, but wanted to pop in from the blitz!
    There idea safety program calledm" hug a tree" teaching kids what to do when lost in the woods. Your poem and the final comment reminded me of that..

  167. I'm a week late, but better a visit now than never. I'll blame it on age and leave it at that. Poetry is my favorite form of expression, but I'm really lousy at it. But you do a beautiful a job. I too, love trees, and take pictures of them all the time. My favorite is the Weeping Willow I planted with my son. I truly love that tree!
    Thank you for sharing your poetry, I am sorry I'm late for the blog blitz but am so glad I got to meet you because of it!

  168. I'm MORE than a week late, but here I am!! I've been so good with remembering (eventually), but this is my worst tardiness! But at least I made it! :D

    I love trees!


Drop some breadcrumbs! Let me know you were here!

Z is for Zoetic

Good Words Alphabetically: Z is for Zoetic Ah, z end of z month... I'm going to miss writing a poem and drawing every day.  Perhaps I wi...