Thursday, May 17, 2012


Today is the day I am learning to get my A to Z Poetry book in order...
I need to redo pictures for it, as mine are Tagxedo images with copyrights.  So now I have the task of finding new images, or taking pictures.  I have some I can use, but not all.  I could try drawing them, I suppose.  Maybe after I have all the text set down in one place I'll be able to figure it out.  Maybe after I've read all the guidelines I'll think it's easy, why didn't I just do this a long time ago.  Maybe I need some coffee...

Last year, I had my class do a rewrite of The Seven Blind Mice, and they came up with a great book that we printed through Apple.

It is a beautiful book.  The kids were pleased and so was I.  We shared it at our end of year Author's Tea, gave a copy to the school library, and some parents purchased copies.

But this will be different.  With the Apple book, if someone wanted a copy, I'd have to order it from Apple.  It isn't digital and it's not promoted.  I didn't write it, so the kids really own it.

This WILL be different.  So I have to go figure out how to put it online, and I think with a paper copy option, and do pictures.  I think I will be busy today.  First I'll start the washing machine.  Oh, and get that coffee.


  1. Good luck Donna. Hope the coffee perks you up & you find ways that fit the style you want for your book. Your kids' book looks great, as you said.

  2. Go through CreateSpace. They're the easiest to work with that I know of.

  3. Good luck, you have the material now comes the fun part, but you're so creative I'm sure you'll find a way to do it great!

  4. Good luck! Those mice pictures are very cool. :)

  5. Good luck! I was thinking about doing that with my A-Z Gardens. I was contemplating whether I should do it through Lulu or CreateSpace, or do one of those Blog to Book things. It'll be interesting to see what you decide to do.

  6. Your students are so lucky to have you put together their work in this way.


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Z is for Zoetic

Good Words Alphabetically: Z is for Zoetic Ah, z end of z month... I'm going to miss writing a poem and drawing every day.  Perhaps I wi...