Saturday, April 18, 2015

P is for Please Don't Leave These

This is the Popular, Pampering and Positively Perfect beyond belief A-to-Z April 2015 Challenge!!!!  And I am an A to Z Participant.  And it is Day 16 , Letter P!

Again this year I am writing a poem a day to celebrate National Poetry Month.  It's my FOURTH YEAR in a ROW of writing a poem a day for the A to Z Challenge. My first year theme was Animals, the second was lobster boat names, and last year was Maine authors.  This year my poems will be paired with photos of signs I've taken the past few years.  Signs have always fascinated me.  Sometimes it's the mistakes on them, sometimes the different ways the language can be taken, and sometimes it's the surroundings that go with it.
I have two pictures for today, but I decided on the second one for the poem.  I did start one for the Pine Tree.  I'm sure it would have come out clever, if I just could have gotten more clever with it.  I twisted it around every which way, but it never produced a satisfactory poem.  It is a lovely picture though of our dumpster we rented to clear out the old house in Friendship that we purchased 3 years ago.

And this is the picture that did allow a poem to be written without too much ruckus.  It was taken on the SEPTA commuter train on my way either to or from my daughter's home in Pennsylvania... which is another P word.  I gave SEPTA a couple new acronyms.  So that's what ACRO means... like acrostic... acronym... huh.  Just noticed that.  So how does acrobat fit in?  I've got to go look that up now.

Schlep  Each  Possession TAlight 
(SEPTA Means: Please Don't Leave Anything Behind When You Get Off the Train)

..We don't want your papers,..
..your umbrella, your gloves,..
....your glasses, your goats,....
....your scarf or your doves;....
...Don't leave paper napkins,...
.........nor coffee top lids...........
.......Please take your shoes;...
....We don't want your kids......
.....Make sure you still have..... 
..Everything that you brought;.. 
.........Pick up all your things......
.....Just like you were taught......
.....Don't even leave footprints...
.....Or we'll double your fare......
......We're not your mother -......
.....Don't make me go there......
..............THANK YOU...............
..Secure Each Parcel To Arms..

©Donna JT Smith, 2015

I hope you've been placated with P.  It's been pleasant.  Perchance we will see you for Q.  Same place.  Same time period.


  1. Haha! This was a fun poem. I loved the last verses. :D While reading that I pictured a finger wagging in my face.

    1. The Amtrak and commuters are great places for reminder signs! Lots of helpful "motherly" advice everywhere!

    2. Loved it! LOL at "we don't want your kids." I had planned on writing light-hearted Limerick about painting today. However, the Limerick Muse would not allow it. So I wrote two very similar Haiku and my first attempt at an Acrostic Poem. Then I went to Facebook and my post about the neighborhood stray Calico that took up residence in my garden chair outside my window this morning turned into the easiest 30 line poem I've ever written--and my iPhone crashed before I hit send--so it's lost. And because it came so easy and I didn't sweat over the words I can't even remember one line of it to recreate it! Me thinketh my Muse is a meanie today. :~)

    3. I HATE when that happens! I know what you mean about having it come so easily. Sometimes it's like I'm reading a new poem written by someone else, that's how "unpresent" I was when I wrote it! If I can recall a phrase or two, sometimes I can get it back, but often it is left out there in the poetic wilds to wander the rest of its days! Just for grins, check your email in the "drafts" folder. Sometimes it is floating in there. Probably not, but just in case!

  2. Looking forward to your take on Q.

    1. Me, too!
      ...nothing's written yet! I usually have them either all done, or mostly complete, a day or week ahead. Just snapped my Q sign yesterday.

  3. Haha I love this/ not even the footprints!!

    1. I had a fairly long time to stare at this sign on the commuter train!

  4. Some days, someone might want to leave the kids, Donna. Great poem. I love the pine tree sign too. But all the acronyms we have in the world are just hilarious, like Septa-who knew?


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