Saturday, April 11, 2015

J is for Joe So Wicked Good

This is the Jammin', Jivin' and Just Jazzy beyond belief A-to-Z April 2015 Challenge!!!!  And I am an A to Z Participant.  And it is Day 10, Letter J!

Again this year I am writing a poem a day to celebrate National Poetry Month.  It's my FOURTH YEAR in a ROW of writing a poem a day for the A to Z Challenge. My theme this year, is signs I've photographed and poems to go with them.

                                              Wicked Good Joe

                                              Wicked Joe's the way to go,
                                              A wicked java brew,
                                              A locally roasted wonder -
                                              True Mainer through and through.

                                              Hot and hearty on the boat
                                              Before the light of dawn,
                                              Or cruising in the 4 x 4
                                              With lid snapped tightly on!

                                              Rugged ground, like Maine terrain,
                                              We crave this cup o'Joe;
                                              It's a wicked awesome secret
                                              Mugs from away don't know.

©Donna JT Smith, 2015


  1. Nothing is better than a good cup of Joe. :)

    1. I just had Wicked Joe for breakfast. Great way to start the day!

  2. I love that final line, Donna. When on a trip with my students, my colleagues & I made sure we had a 'cuppa joe' to greet the day.

  3. It's blended and ground quite close by here, so is pretty readily available in grocery stores and restaurants. I just love a nice, strong cup or two of black coffee in the morning!


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Z is for Zoetic

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