Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My Winter Window

For the past few days, as I am sitting at the kitchen table writing, I have seen 5 deer that are making my backyard theirs.  I can watch them as I sit here.

I sit quietly writing
When the cat walks past me
His movement attracts my attention
And I look up
My eyes are drawn along with his
Past the glass
To the woods
I see winter trees and
Bare branches
Tree limbs move
Becoming legs
And the deer silently appear
They walk quietly
Stopping to nibble rain soaked lichen
Pawing at dead leaves
Uncovering tiny greens
In winter's black and white
I stare as they walk past
Limbs blending with limbs
Until they disappear.


  1. Such a peaceful post. Liked that you were so tuned into your cat.

    1. He keeps a pretty good watch over things here! I often wonder if he thinks he can take down a deer or if he's just curious about these big animals that come to visit. He seems content just to watch...no crouching or tail twitching!

  2. Beautiful! I love the imagery of the deer legs as tree limbs. I often wonder what my cat looks at so intently from her window perch. I should take the time to look with her! :-)

    1. I love how a deer can be standing out there and I can't see them until they flick an ear or start to walk - they blend in with the trees so well.

  3. I love the way your poem tells a story. The story of where your attention drifted when your cat came by. Beautiful, Donna.

    1. They must be hunkered down somewhere in the rain today. I keep peeking out there, but all I see are trees so far!

  4. This is so lovely. Peaceful. Calm. Mysterious.

    1. Thanks, Deb! I am so happy that you got to enjoy Hawaii. What a peaceful time that must have been, too!

  5. This is so serene. I love the quiet concentration you captured.

    1. It feels so peaceful when they walk through. They scare so easily sometimes, that you know if you see a deer just grazing, all is right with the world in that spot, at least!

  6. I look out at amazing sunsets, but never will I see a deer, Donna, so thanks for sharing yours! Love "Tree limbs move/Becoming legs" and then "Limbs blending with limbs". Beautiful.

    1. Not sure if Gull Haven will have deer. I kind of expect not. Our contractor's parents are having health issues, so we are in a holding pattern for the most part. So I still have my window with my deer, owls, hawks, and squirrels to keep me busy.

  7. This is lovely, Donna. I love the details you chose - the rain soaked lichen,uncovering tiny greens
    In winter's black and white - so evocative.

    1. We had so much snow, and now the rain has been coming down and the temperatures are up - our January thaw has hit! And the deer are loving it!

  8. Thank you for the view from your window.

  9. We also get several deer in our back woods. We can spot them through our windows as well and there is a kind of peace that comes over me when I see them. Something about their graceful steps and almost hesitant, at times, progression across the lawn toward my house brings me happiness. Lovely poem that captures this moment of your day.

    1. They do bring a peace with them. Sometimes something will scare them and I'll see white tails flashing. But my favorite is when they just browse through and disappear quietly.

  10. Your view is incredible, picture and words. Love the double use of limbs.

    1. I have one of the best spots in the world to sit and write. We have two kitchen tables in our kitchen since inheriting my parents' table about ten years ago, so the one by the sliding glass doors is now mine ...and my cat's.

  11. There is something so magical about watching deer.

    1. I do enjoy watching them. So beautiful, so frail looking, yet strong.

  12. I love watching the deer in my yard. I just wish we could reach an agreement on what is "food" and what is "decoration."

    1. Ha! I know. Neighbors of ours, who are summer folk from California, had a landscaper come and plant some nice flowers in their front yard. The deer came through and ate the tops off all of them. The solution is putting wire netting over all gardens, but it takes something away from the beauty! But then again, I guess the beauty is pretty much gone when the blooms are, too!

  13. I love your picture, but I didn't "need" it to "see" out your window. Your words took me there. Such thoughtful word choices - limbs and more limbs. Stay warm! And could you send just a little of that snow to Tennessee?

    1. Oh, if I only could send a bit of snow your way, I would do it in a heartbeat!

  14. I like how you take us from your cat's gaze to your own as the deer appear! I also enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere of your poem.

    1. Thanks, Gabriella. It really is very peaceful sitting in my windowed spot.

  15. Glad to see you at Poetry Jam with this poem. Nice to meet you. I do like seeing this view outside your window. I am especially touched by the appearance of the deer. Nicely crafted poem, and welcome!

    1. I'm glad I stumbled upon you, link by link - I don't even remember how. Thanks for visiting. See you next Wednesday!

  16. nice...i have several deer that live int he back yard....they bed down under the grape arbhor...so i see them often...they get my leavings....because it is a treat to have them living with me...

    1. They certainly are a treat to watch. Thanks for dropping by!

  17. a beautiful view offered to us...love the calm and peaceful nature all around...

    1. We are blessed with beautiful, peaceful surroundings!

  18. As I read this I feel I am inside your warm house looking out at the black and white winter peacefully visited by the deer. It does sound so cold in your area. Stay warm!

    1. It is especially cozy feeling when we have a fire in the woodstove as I sit and write by the window! Finishing touch - a hot coffee!

  19. I would love to have those encounters with deer... what a lovely reprieve. Thanks for sharing.

    1. In spring we will be visited by our flock of wild turkeys with chicks. Used to have a family of moose that would peek in our window, but I think there are too many houses in the area now, so they moved on.

  20. looks like such a peaceful view from your window! I can see why you would want to sit by that window. I like the " winter's black and white". With so much snow and cold weather, my world is starting to look like that too!

    1. I always write here. It just became my spot - though sometimes the cat joins me. I like being able to just look up and feel like I'm outside whatever the weather!

  21. Lovely...what a beautiful sight to behold. Thank you for sharing--I so enjoyed this!

    1. There are so many beautiful places in the world, aren't there? Your area sounds beautiful as well!

  22. Words cannot express how much I enjoyed your poem ... I also live in a place where deer roam, unafraid, everywhere. I believe they are pure magic!

    1. I am so happy that you enjoyed it. It's so wonderful that you get to live with the deer, too. They are so much fun to watch passing by so quietly.

  23. Beautiful and serene - transcendent, really.

    1. Thanks, Wendy! I enjoyed the energy in your post today.

  24. In winter's black and white - Beautiful image painted by you words, the contrasts of life and emotion. Well done.

    1. Thanks, Alan. I've tried commenting on your poem but I keep getting the message that it can't be posted. I'll try again later! But I wanted to say:
      Love "a house held together by
      Dreams and joyous laughter"

  25. Isn't it funny that the cat's line of vision becomes yours ... the world out the window comes into focus and bam ... you have drawn us along a nice string of images here ... nice write! I like the serenity of thepiece too, nice pacing of words and images.

  26. Such a wonderful serenity came over me after reading your poem and looking at the photo...


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