Tuesday, May 28, 2013

One More Thing!

This is not a real lobster.  Do not eat it.

We have been doing a special Sunday School program for 6 weeks now, and will in two weeks be at our final day of the program.  I won't go into detail here, but suffice it to say it involves decorations, incentives (food and prizes), weekly letters home, puppets, scripts, activities and songs.  I have been writing and arranging all these for each week and have enjoyed every minute of it.  It is time intensive, though.  It means writing letters on Mondays; printing and snail mailing on Tuesdays; researching for and starting the script on Tuesdays; writing and emailing scripts on Wednesdays; making sure everything is in place for Sunday on Thursdays and Fridays; and getting extra letters for new people on the bus route for Saturdays.  This has left very little time for SOL on Tuesdays, Poetry Fridays, 15 Words or Less on Thursdays, and writing my own project manuscript.

But now, there's one more thing.

When a group of singers came to sing this Sunday at church, the lady that travels with them saw the program in Sunday School and really liked it.  She's an editor of an ezine, and  asked me if I'd write an article about the why's, how-to's and what's of this program.  It will still be for no pay... but it is writing.   Wow.  I am amazed.
And now I am just a little bit busier.  I have one more thing to write...750 words or less...I hope I can be concise.  I hope it can be used.  I think I'd better get busy, I have a script to write first...it's Tuesday.


  1. This sounds like a busy but exciting time. Your enjoyment of the whole process shines through.

  2. Sounds like you are happily busy... so very different from too busy.

    1. I guess I would be TOO busy if I thought about the vacuuming and laundry that isn't getting as done as it should be! Ha!

  3. I imagine that your church is loving what you are doing too, Donna, although you didn't say that. Good for you for spreading your talents!

    1. Funny you should say that... the script she heard when she asked me to write was about using your time, talents, and treasures... huh, hadn't thought of it that way!

  4. What a great opportunity! Your busyness just increased. Enjoy!

    1. It is a great opportunity, and I'm enjoying this busyness! Now to actually DO it! Finish the next script this morning, email it this afternoon, start the article at noon - that's the plan...

  5. Congrats on the article! And I love the caption on that adorable lobster. Reminds me of the day I saw a little girl wearing Easter Bunny ears and when I said, "Hello, little Easter Bunny" she leaned close and confessed, "I not da weal Easter Bunny."


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