Thursday, May 23, 2013

15 Words or Less Today

Laura Perdie Salas does a "15 Words or Less" writing challenge on Thursdays, which I used to do pretty regularly.  I need to get back to that, because I really like it.  So today I went there and found, as a writing prompt, this gorgeous theater picture all golden and tall.  And so I wrote what it made me think of in 15 words exactly.  It came to me pretty quickly.  About 4 renditions before I could say it in only 15 words.
I love being in old, elaborate, ornate theaters.  I wish we still made them that way. The acoustics are phenomenal, and there's so much to look at during intermissions!

I drew this awesome picture in I wouldn't have to use any one else's photo to illustrate it...I think it sets a classic tone for whole blog today.   I think you should look at Laura's picture though, too, as you may find that hers is a bit more to your liking!

songs and
declarations rise
leaving golden
where they rest
that they
were here

And then I found this one in my head...
          popping around....
                   so I wrote it down here...
                            stopping the popping...
"The pop stops here!"

I'm going to make a poster of that to put above my workspace!
Sometimes you jut have to write stuff down so you can relax again.
Here's the second 15 worder to go with the photo/exquisite drawing.

golden backdrop
shining stage
opulent setting
stunning vehicle
to virtual reality



  1. I could really benefit from taking on this challenge. I'm not great with being concise. (And I'll leave it at that -- for now.)

    1. I always had the opposite problem when I was younger - and it WAS a problem when I'd have to write an essay or book report. I stuck with the facts - no embellishments or details and thus ended up needing 50 more superfluous far as I was concerned! Same thing with speaking. But now, sometimes it's hard to shut me up...


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Z is for Zoetic

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