Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Star

Linked to Dori Reads blog, hosting Poetry Friday for December 23, 2011.  Go there to read more great poems posted by others!

I am thinking about getting into the Christmas spirit.  This year Christmas comes on a Sunday.  I hope that doesn't interfere with celebrating Christmas...
now what was it I was supposed to be remembering on Christmas?

There's so much to do, 
with fruit cakes to make, 
Decorations to strew,
and cookies to bake.
There should be some stockings
to hang with some care,
And a tree to install
or the house will look bare!
The manger must grace
the uppermost shelf
Where it will be safe from
Cat, Grandson and Elf.
The turkey once bought
will have to defrost,
But first I'll buy presents
no matter the cost.
Lights will adorn
the windows and more,
And a wreath will encircle
our humble front door.
Put out the NOEL mat
To scuff off all shoes.
Get out the Santa mugs;
there's no time to lose,
For Christmas is coming,
It's most certainly near,
But let's not forget
Why our hearts should have cheer.
It isn't the presents.
It isn't the throngs.
It isn't the lights,
Nor the Rudolphy songs.
Remember that Jesus
to this earth was sent.
Remember the reason is
what His birth meant.

My 150th post!  Yea!


  1. You caught the hustle and bustle of the holiday season in the beginning but when you got to the reason for the season the pace slowed. Perfect! Have a lovely holiday. The tagxedo is great!

  2. Lovely-star and poem! I love the list poems, and yours has it just right, Donna. All the parts are good, but I love "where it will be safe from/cat, grandson and elf". Magical things happen at Christmas!

  3. Christmas is really near. The peace and quiet is very welcome. Especially after all the things on the to-do-list.

  4. Thanks for sharing your poem -- I love the way it winds around the season and ends with the focus on Jesus. I hope you felt relaxed after writing it.
    Merry Christmas,

  5. Just love it! It's such a hectic busy time of year that we do really need to think about why we celebrate Christmas. You've said it perfectly! Love the star too!

  6. Congrats on your 150th post! I just love your poem. In all the hustle and bustle, the true reason for the season can be forgotten. I love how your poem ended with Jesus and the reason we stop to celebrate. Merry Christmas!

  7. This is such a joyful poem! You have really captured so much of what I have been feeling in your words. And I love the word cloud! Tagxedo is soooo fun. Your design would make a lovely Christmas card or poster. :)

  8. Beautiful poem and star. Love that you took the time to write it!

  9. I love the way you captured the feeling of Christmas -- the excitement and all the different parts of getting ready for the celebration -- and then left us with thoughts of the reason at the end. A great way to illustrate the season!

  10. What a fun list poem. Hope you get everything done and have time to enjoy the season and it's reason. Merry Christmas.


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