Friday, May 27, 2011

Children's Day in Nigeria and Mother's Day in Bolivia

It's  Mother's Day in Bolivia, and Children's Day in Nigeria.  Children's Day was created to promote the welfare of children and to celebrate childhood.  Children in Nigeria take the day off from school to celebrate with parents, doing things as a family.
I am taking the day off from school today while my daughter and her husband are visiting this weekend.  I'm celebrating both Mother's Day and Children's Day, as they are about to become parents in August.

Daughterful of mommy,
Bellyful of baby,
Nanaful of wonder
Waiting for a peek.

Pretty soon the mommy
Will hold her little babe.
Daddy will be stroking
Baby's rosy cheek.

What's up with the parents?
What happens to the voice?
Why is it everyone
Talks in Baby speak?

Hands will reach for Baby,
Those hands will gently rock,
Hands cover grown up eyes
Playing Hide and Seek.

Bellyful of kicking
That can be felt and seen
Says this baby will be
Neither mild nor meek.

God bless our sunshine's ray,
This happy, healthy child.
No matter boy or girl,
Bless this soul unique.


  1. Aw-w, very nice & sweet, with your usual lovely rhyming. Have a great weekend!

  2. What an awesome poem! thank you - I'm a bit daughter says she's on the 5 year plan...

  3. @onesunflower
    Yeah, I hear you! It's been a wait for this first grandchild. I'm excited for the baby's birth, but enjoying every moment of her pregnancy, too!


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