Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Today and Yesterday in Pictures


My slice of life today is from yesterday - Memorial Day - spent in our old childhood stomping grounds...

A place where we played as kids...

Jagged rocks
Hiding shy baby crabs
Between tides
On our playground
Periwinkles getting
Free rides
Tossed skyward
To the deep
Cold pool
Mussels clinging
Tightly, shutting out
The chatter of
Those who wondered
At the darkness of a life
Encased in
Such a purple

Yesterday, with one of my brothers, my sister, my husband, sister-in-law and son, we ate lobster and fish at the restaurant across the road, then took a stroll on the beach that we used to roam on our own for hours.  No one drowned.  The water is too cold for that.  No one kidnapped us.  No one wanted us.
Upon closer inspection of this clam shell....
there was a snail living inside quite happily (I'm assuming), though he was pretty well stuck in there.  I think if he just kept walking he could push the two halves apart and get out really.
I loved this piece of root that was now ocean worn, sun bleached driftwood.
And for those wanting to see what the old traps looked like and have their picture taken with them...

It was a wonderful Memorial Day.
And the gull never got a bite of lobster or fish from us.  Sorry, gull.  No leftovers either.
My husband and I harvested some new old beach glass for more jewelry making...Yea!

Tomorrow I will have pictures from my afternoon walk today...more sun, sand and waves from the same ocean just down the road a piece from my house and a few miles away from Monday's walk on the beach - and another place we spent many hours as children.


  1. Great pictures and a wonderful trip down memory lane. I wouldn't share my lobster with a gull either.

  2. You have taken me to this place through your words and pictures. Lovely.

  3. Looking forward to seeing what you make out of the new old beach glass!

  4. I am so envious, looks like a marvelous place to grow up, Donna. I actually found some beach glass on the bay on my class trip. I was thrilled! Thanks for taking us to "your" ocean!


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