Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Eyes of May

Tulip disguised as an oak tree...
Remember my cataracts and my new, improved, wonderful sight? In October, a year after my initial cataract surgery, my sight in my right eye began to deteriorate. I found myself staring at, or "looking through" things and creating two images, instead of focusing.  I didn't know why that seemed easier than looking at something and focusing my eyes on it, but it kept happening. 

Now it has progressed from a minor focusing issue to not being able to see anything but blurry shapes out of my right eye. That one was the more difficult surgery of the two.  I am getting a secondary cataract in it, and most likely the other one is also developing a cataract.  It is a fairly common malady. 

My sight in the right eye is akin to applying Vaseline to the eye and trying to see out of it.   I find it difficult to drive and read, as the two eyes just don't play well together!  Fortunately, if I really need to see well, I can close that eye and use my left eye.

On Monday, the 11th, I will be having the laser surgery to remove the secondary cataract.
I am so looking forward to having the surgery done.  I'm hoping that this will finally restore my vision.  I will keep you posted!

On another note:

For the past few days, I've taken a breather here on my blog.  I've written a poem a day for two months in a row.  Not only that, but it is the fourth year I have done this in March and April.  May has been my winding down month.

Yesterday was my daughter's birthday, five days before that, it was her daughter's first birthday.  We went down to visit them and celebrate a bunch of birthdays all mixed in together, as her brother-in-law and sister-in-law both had birthdays this week also.

It was a fun time getting to see everyone, and especially getting to see the grandkids!
What a treat it was to get to see my granddaughter take her first step two days after her first birthday!  She's done plenty of sitting and crawling since then, but still, I've had the privilege of seeing both of my grandchildren take their very first steps!  And that is no "small feat" (oh, that's a good one...), as they live 450 miles away, and we don't see them often.

And that is a slivery slice of my life today.

Join other slicers at Two Writing Teachers every Tuesday.


  1. Keep us posted with the cataract surgery. I didn't realize that their could be further complications. It must be so unbalancing to have this problem. Grandchildren are the best and it is so much fun to share their milestones, isn't it. Hope you get to share many more of them.

    1. I believe everyone should have grandchildren, even if you don't have kids!
      I'll post on Tuesday about Monday's laser results.

  2. I hope your surgery goes well! What a joy grandchildren are! Still waiting for some myself.

    1. Thanks!
      Grandchildren are pretty fun beings to have around! Hope you get to experience the joy!

  3. I hope your surgery goes well and is successful.

    I laughed out loud at your little pun. No small feat, indeed. What a blessing to witness such an important milestone! And twice!

    1. I could not believe my eye when I saw her take a step! What a thrill to realize I'd gotten to see her take a step. My other eye will just have to be content to see the later steps! Ha!

  4. Hope all goes well with your surgery. I have not had that problem---yet. I was told at my last appointment that one is forming. How lucky you are to have seen both of your grandchildren take their very first steps.

    1. Before I had the surgery, I was not sure I'd be able to handle it being awake and all. But it really is not bad at all. You have just the right amount of medication to make it all very surreal and doable! And this laser procedure is even quicker.

  5. Good luck with the eye surgery, Donna - I've had cornea transplants in both eyes over the past two years, and I know how worrying and frustrating eye issues can be.

    1. This will be a quick procedure, just to clean off the "debris" on the back where the lens used to be. I know they had a hard time removing all of it on that eye, so there was bound to be some residual to remove later. It will be nice to see clearly again.

  6. Speedy recovery! I hope that you will be seeing clearly in the speed of a laser correction!

    1. Thanks, Anita! That's the plan! Hoping it clears things up considerably!

  7. Hope your surgery goes perfectly and your recovery is speedy. There are SO many more important events in those grandchildren's lives that you need to see clearly! Thinking of you!

    1. This sounds like I will have immediate improvement in only a few minutes, so I'm excited. You are right! Too much action coming up to miss!


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