Saturday, May 9, 2015

A New Toy

I'm in experimental mode here this morning.  I just got a new Lytro camera that does a variable focus.  Photos have to be uploaded to their site for sharing the link to it or embedding it in Facebook or on my blog, but still pretty neat for a photo presentation.  I do have the flat .jpg stored also,  It's kind of a neat looking camera, too.

Ginger here is looking at a ball my husband is holding, because every time I wanted her to be cute, she put her ears back and jumped anticipating that I'd throw the camera to her!

Click on the play button and you will move around in the photo some.  If you stop it and click on the ball in the background, Ginger's face will be out of focus and the ball will be in focus.  If you then click on her nose, the background will be out of focus and her face will be in focus.  You can make it full screen by clicking on the box at the lower right, and then you can see the effects better! Try it and let me know what you think.

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