Friday, April 3, 2015

C is for Closing Doors!
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This is the Creative, Crazy and Calculatingly Cantankerous beyond belief A-to-Z April 2015 Challenge!!!!  And I am an A to Z Participant.  And it is Day 3, Letter C!

C is for Closing Doors!

I don't suppose you ever, as a child, got caught leaving the door cracked open...
By any chance could it have been wide enough to create a gateway for cold and creatures coming in and comfortable heat cascading out?  Sometimes my brothers did.  Remember the elbow yesterday?  Yes, he did it.
I was a conscientious child.  Certainly I would close all doors carefully, so my parents wouldn't have needed the door in the picture if they'd just had me and stopped at one child.  They, however, with four children, would have jumped at the chance to have one of these:

Closing Doors

Be careful, stand back!
No need to shut this door!
Oooh, a door that shuts itself
All parents would adore!

“You are letting in the flies!”
“Make sure you really latch it!”
“We’re not heating the outside!”
“Don’t let the cold wind catch it!”

No more parental warnings,
No need to be emphatic,
It keeps flies out, and heat inside;
This trained door's automatic.

©Donna JT Smith, 2015

Did you pick up on the cleverness of "trained" door?  See it is a door on a train in the picture.  Some days I completely confound...confuse...there must be a c word for this.  It isn't condemn, control, confine, congratulate...I seem to be stuck on "co" words.
Some days I completely________ myself.  I'll circle around later, when I've claimed a word for that space, if I don't lose my concentration first and go on to D.
I'm so Delighted to Deliver the next Delectable poem for Saturday.  I haven't yet Determined what it will be, but I know it will not be Deleterious to your health.

C is also for Courage!  For those who were wondering if I went to the Poetry Open Mic at our public library on April 1...YES!  I did.  And I read three of my poems, and people laughed or nodded in the right places and not in a bad way.  It was very exciting and fun and if I can find another one sometime this month close by, maybe I'll try it again.  There were about 20 or more poets there plus some teens whose teachers were going to give them extra credit for attending - how neat is that?   Anyway, another Country Conquored!


  1. I'm totally loving these poems. Reminds me of this one by Ogden Nash:

    1. Ah, yes! Hadn't read that one before, but I do have a few like the ones he has in his poem. Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping in this morning!

  2. I remember how amazed I was with your poems last April, and here you are, doing it again! Also, good job with the poetry open mic -- very brave!

    1. I did enjoy the open mic time, amazingly! I would still need to work up courage to do it again, but I know I can do it now.

  3. Dear Donna, sometimes I _____ myself, too! Ha!! Love this so much. Keep circling with that alphabet! xo

    1. Well, I haven't come back to my blank...must be "confound" then!

  4. Such fun! I am thinking of our newish van...I am STILL not used to that self-closing door. Funny how these daily things get our wheels turning. (I think I would like an automatic glasses finder.) Happy Poetry Friday and have a wonderful time with your fabulous challenge! (Automatic poetry writer, anyone?!) xo, a.

    1. You'd think having a dishwasher would be automatic enough...but I think I need an auto loader and unloader, too!

  5. When kids are playing and running in and out, doors often get left open.

    Fun poem!

    1. All the time! Now we have a puppy gate so she can't get the cat's food, and as adults, we are STILL forgetting to close the gate!

  6. I really like your poems, and I’m not surprised you got great feedback on your public reading! However, I do admire your courage to go there!!

    A2Z challenge. Participant number 1449.

    1. It was quite a leap for me! But a good feeling to have done it.

  7. That constant reminder to "close" the door is in my childhood, meaning also "don't slam the door" or the screen door at my grandparents' house. We now have a huge deal that can't seem to be fixed at school. There are many entrances & exits at school & people seem to be leaving them open at the end of the day, hence those finally turning on the alarm system have to find which ones are still open. Can't permanently seal them-fire rules--but it is an ongoing problem. Perhaps teachers turned a deaf ear to their parents to "close the door"! Congrats on the open mic, Donna. I'm sure the audience loved you & your words!

    1. At all the schools in our district now all the doors are always locked, and none may be propped open. Even the front door has a buzzer and you need to be allowed in. So they are pretty secure and don't have to worry about when the alarms are set at night.
      The Poetry Open Mic was not too large a addressing a classroom size, and they were a nice group. I may give it a try again someday!

  8. Great post. Looking forward to what you come up with for this challenge!

    1. Thanks! Will pop on over to read more of your site. I was there and got distracted by life for a minute...hours?

  9. Trained door...ha ha...yes, I caught it!

    1. Oh, good! You've been busy bopping around this morning! Hope you have your coffee!

  10. "Don't slam the door" was the refrain in my house. So glad you went to the open mic night. Yay, Donna!

  11. I still remain entranced by automatic doors. So much magic in the world thanks to technology. And yes, I can still hear the familiar mother's refrain of 'don't slam the door!' :)


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