Friday, February 13, 2015

Cold Meet Cold

Cold Morning in Maine - today

Cold Meet Cold

cold of ocean
ocean deep
cold meet cold
where snowbanks steep
cover rocks
and seaweeds creep
where cold meets
and icicles greet
the ground
and reach
to frozen beach
shaking hands
seas and lands
shivering timbers
quivering sands
meeting up with
silvery bands
and slivery strands
of ice and snow
where men may go
where no
one could set foot
before the throes
of winter snows.

©Donna JT Smith, 2015

Snow is over halfway up most everyone's doors - including our garage doors. Our house sits pretty high, so it is keeping our doors and windows free of snow.  The icicles are impressive, too.

 And after one blizzard and a couple major snowstorms and a bunch of minor multiple inches of snow, we are being readied for a second blizzard starting tomorrow night (Saturday) through Sunday.
Our snowbank is quite high at our house and our icicles very long.  Usually right on the coast as we are, the snows turn to wet snow and rain, lessening the amount of snow - though making driving (Ha!  I just wrote "dricing" for "driving"... which is about right!) very hazardous due to the road icing.  This year it has been all snow and cold.
Here's my snowplow guy making us a little bit o'room for the next storm...

Had to do some prep for the storm so I'm late, but linking up with Poetry Friday today at Merely Day by Day with Cathy.  Check it out!


  1. You capture the chill well, the repeated waves of water and snow. Good luck this weekend!

    1. Thanks! Hoping for no power loss and some relaxing time sipping hot chocolate watching the white outs...

  2. I've been wondering about you and the amount of snow you've received so far, & now another one! It'll be quite the wet spring! Your poem's iciness shows it well, "meeting up with/silvery bands/and slivery strands". Hope all goes as well as it can!

    1. We've received too much snow now. It can stop any time. But we are set with wood stove, a good wood supply, a generator and plentiful food stores! We have had three days at a time when we could not leave the house, so we have to be prepared at all times! The scariest part is that emergency vehicles cannot get in by a mile or so. So we have to be careful not to do stupid things like shovel off a roof! I was at the high school yesterday and the office windows have snow up over the mid line. Won't be able to see out them by Monday. Lots of lost school days so far, so they will be going into the summer to make them up.

  3. Your poem makes me...well...cold. Your part of the United States sure has had its fair share of snow. Hoping warm days come soon.


    1. Warmer days are going to bring such a mud season this year!

  4. Epic. You know it's a lot of snow when the plow disappears behind the pile it's made. I'll stop complaining about our winter. And as you write, it doesn't even help to think of spring because the mud season, too, will be epic.

    Best wishes for a warm fire and more time to read and write!

    1. Less snow today than predicted, but frigid temps and very blustery! Staying warm inside mostly...till the puppy wants to go out again!

  5. I like the image of the icicles reaching out their cold fingers to the ground and the beach -- brr! Glad you are taking the snow in stride :-)

    1. The icicles are amazing. I have to remove one that formed last night that comes nose level to me (and I'm not too tall!) hanging from the porch right in my way.


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