Friday, January 3, 2014

Static Cat

Thanks, Betsy, at I Think in Poems, for hosting this week's Poetry Friday!  Happy New Year!

A busy Christmas week for us....
finally family is all together.  Some items were packed in styrofoam that was a bit brittle and seemed to go everywhere.  The cat was interested in the box it came in.  I picked off most of the pieces of stray styrofoam before taking the picture.
Then I wrote a Static Cat Styrofoam Poem to go with it.  Static poems really don't need to rhyme.

Static Cat

Standing still
Stuff sticks
Styrofoam stays
Stunningly stippled
Staticky strands
Starry stalks
Stern stare


  1. I think I have met a cat just like this! It's amazing how they can be so "static."

  2. What a LOOK on that cat's face!

  3. Oh my, what a photo, Donna. I hope your Christmas went so beautifully & the weather didn't hamper anything! Happy New Year!

    1. We had a wonderful Christmas. They are returning home tomorrow morning. Fortunately the blizzard we had was yesterday and this morning so we had a nice couple of snow days together.

  4. Too funny! Your cat's face says it all! Happy New Year! =)


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