Friday, May 28, 2021

Birthday Cards

 Mug Shot

This is a card I made for my daughter for her May birthday.  I've taken to making a small, postcard size, watercolor for a birthday card.  Quick.  Write a poem on the back.  Quick.

This one has flaws, but so do I.  So that's what you get with me. Lol!  But it's fun and it keeps me out of trouble!

Happy birthday to my girl,

The one who loved to dance and twirl,

The one who grew up in a day -

As old as I now, 

I must say...

I don't know how this came to be...

Wait! No! 

I think I'm 33!

Yup, you're much older than I am now

There's no explaining why or how!

by Donna JT Smith

Happy birthday, Michelle!  Happy Poetry Friday, everyone!  June is soon!

More poetry connections are at Michelle Kogan's!


  1. Donna, what a sweet gesture. A water color and poem--that is a lovely gift. I laughed aloud at your poem for your daughter. I have a 32 year old who celebrated this month, as well, so I can definitely relate! "The one who grew up in a day" Wow. Poignant and sweet.

  2. Donna, I am sure your daughter loved the postcard birthday greeting with the sweet message in verse. Your artwork isa compliment to the title with a bit of LOL!

  3. Wonderful and funny and like you, Donna! I wonder if I get to choose how old I am too?


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