Saturday, December 2, 2017

Saturday's Poetry Friday

I know it is not Friday.  It is Saturday.  But all day yesterday I was driving back from PA alone, and could neither post nor write.  I did write these two poems to go with Laura's 15 words or less on Thursday with the picture of the empty bike rack.  I was busy that day too, so never got to put them on her site.  And I'm kind of sick today, so this is getting late in the day.   It's hard to concentrate.

First thought was of why a bike rack would be empty in summer...
then fall..

Summer Bike Rack

Feet pumping
Heart thumping
Tangled hair
Without a care -
Empty rack
Till they're back!

Fall Bike Rack

Empty rack,
Winter's back!
Sled replaces,
Bike races;
Leaves swirling
No whirling
And steel!

Well, let's see who's hosting today.  I just have to hold it together for a few more minutes, and I'll have a  post.
Okay, got it!  Mary Lee Hahn is hosting the roundup at A Year of Reading.  Please treat yourself to some tea and poetry today and all week!
Now I'm going to lie down.


  1. I'm glad you made it home and shared your poems. I meant to check in with the 15 words or less post, but the day got away from me. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Donna! Wafting warm North Florida breezes directly to you, with wishes for soothing teas or whatever your healing beverage is. Appreciations for checking in with Poetry Friday. Hopes for fast healing.
    Now onto the poems, they are fun & you are a whirling wheeler to write & post whilst battling the ick.

  3. Love these, Donna! Especially "Tangled hair/ Without a care" and "Sled replaces,/ Bike races;"

    Hope you're feeling better!

  4. Glad you made it! Hope you're feeling better!!

  5. What lively and animated poems Donna, thanks for sharing them! Hope you are feeling better too.


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