Friday, December 22, 2017

New One Little Word?

I've been contemplating a new word for my 2018 focus.  Two years ago it was BOLD.  Last year I had REACH.  I had words a couple of years before that, but I mostly forgot them mid-January until I struck BOLD.
I'm mulling now, what the future holds and what would be an appropriate focus for me, and I am almost ready to sign up to foster a word.
Starbucks has an ornament this Christmas that says "FLOURISH", and I keep being drawn to it.  I'm not sure I like it yet, but it almost seems to have chosen me.  I wonder why?  Am I to flourish or find ways to flourish - to grow even though I'm at a time of life when you don't really think of growing or branching out.  Am I to add a flourish to things - a bit of a wave of the hand, a curlicue, a cherry on top?  Am I to help others to flourish?  And then there's the musical flourish.

I bought the ornament.  It's on my tree now.
And I'm trying out "flourish" this week.  Let's see if Christmas can be done with a flourish.


You wonder what there is to do?
In want of something curlicue?
Find something bleak, then give it flair;
Give it sparkle if you dare.
Embellish plain and duty-bound,
Adding glitz to what you've found. 
When there's a scarcity of cheer
Wave a hand dispelling fear.
Give a flourish, nourish souls,
In your mundane daily strolls.
We all have something more to give -
A bit of shimmer through the sieve.

by Donna JT Smith

And I shall stop there. Hershey's Kisses are always good to shut me up!

But one question still... where could you add a flourish today?  Will you?
I vacuumed today.  That was the mundane.  But I added my "Flourish" ornament to my tree... my first flourish, and it isn't even 2018 yet... way to be BOLD and REACH!
Oh, and I made sure to get outside for "flourish the frisbee" time with the dog.  Both the dog and I need it!


  1. I love it, Donna! Great word. I think flourish in practice, is somehow related to enthusiasm -- that extra oomph that makes something special and memorable. I look forward to seeing it it sticks! xo

    1. Thanks, Irene. I think it will stick. I'm in need of reminding to add a flourish, and to help others flourish, and this might just do the trick!
      I already have my Sunday post ready with "flourish".

  2. Great pick, Donna! So much potential!!

    1. I think it may be what I need this coming year.

  3. Flourish is a great word! I hope that you have a Merry Christmas and stay warm as Mother Nature gets ready to toss a flourish your way.

  4. Wow, this is a word that I would not have ever thought of. I think it will suit you, Donna, now that it follows Bold and Reach.

  5. Wonderful poem! I love that you reminded us to add flourish in our mundane daily strolls. Adding these words to my WN:

    "When there's a scarcity of cheer
    Wave a hand dispelling fear.
    Give a flourish, nourish souls,
    In your mundane daily strolls.
    We all have something more to give -
    A bit of shimmer through the sieve."


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