Saturday, December 30, 2017

Deja Vu Blogfest

Here's a repost of something posted earlier in the year, that I thought worthy of another look, or a look once, maybe you missed it.
DL Hammons is hosting this Deja Vu Blogfest, so go on over and check out the links to the best posts of 2017 that you may have missed.  Sign up yourself!  Find your post you thought was missed by many or deserves another look and read!

Here's mine from October 9, 2017:

Good Morning, Sunshine!

When I wrote the title, it suddenly came to me that my mother used to say that to me in the morning when I awoke.  I could almost hear her happy voice saying, "Good morning, Sunshine!" to me.  I wonder if I was "sunshine" in the morning, or if she was just trying to "make it so"!  Ah, we'll never know. At any rate, I'm sitting here in the dark of morning, having just brewed some coffee atop our billowing painter's wrap countertop.  And I am going to go have me some...
Note paper cup...I don't have a sink in the kitchen, so we're minimizing the inconvenience of washing dishes when and where we can!
Okay, I had to change to a real cup...I'll go to the trouble of washing it.  Coffee is more welcoming this way!

Welcome, Fall Morning

The dark
Is so much
Later in the morning;
My coffee stares up at me
With its large unblinking brown eye
Wondering why
I would wake it up
Before the sun;
And I have No Answer,
Except that I want
To be there to greet the
New day
As it inches its way
Through the parting leaves of maples,
When it sends shafts of light
Between the birches,
To set their skin aglow;
And finally lifts the
Blackness to reveal the green
Of spruce and hemlock;
I will be there to feel it cut through the cold
Drafts of air to arrive at my
As I stand
With my
Warm welcome home
In my hands.

by Donna JT Smith

Though I don't think we will see much sun today, I'm up and waiting anyway!
Have a wonderful day!
Reflecting on a cup of coffee.


  1. That is very nice.
    Thank you for sharing!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Yup, really good coffee is better in a mug. I don't know why.
    Have a happy New Year!


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