Friday, November 7, 2014

Poetry Friday and Winter Ways

We have already had snow here in Maine - my mother-in-law, up in The County (Aroostook  County to those out of the loop) - is seeing a foot accumulate today.  We were going up to visit for the weekend, but that weather has changed our plans.
I've been busy this week, writing lots and lots and doing the necessary laundry and dishwashing.  No vacuuming, so I think that must be and dog are of no help...

Anyway, after putting "The Fall of the Leaves of Fall" poems together in a photo quality book, I've decided to put "Winter Ways" in a trade book format.  This will mean a much better price point than the FLF book.  "Winter Ways" will have new poems, geared for the youngish and young at heart.  I'm sorry that most people don't go for rhyming books, but that seems to be what my brain does a lot of, so a lot of these are using that format.  I have written and rewritten and slept on it, and rewritten, hopefully to get the rhythm and reason for the rhymes to work out together.  There is nothing worse than making a rhyme for a rhyme's sake... except maybe reading it later and noting that the rhythm is off!

I have copied a page out of "Winter Ways" and am posting it here for Poetry Friday.  I know.  I'm late.  But I've been busy.
Hope you like it!  It's time for snow!

with Diane Mayr.


  1. The rhyme in "Twinkly Sprinkly" is spot on when I read it! If a girl's gotta rhyme, she's gotta rhyme! I glad the sun is out here in southern NH, but boy, is it windy! Snow will be here soon enough, I'm sure, so snow poems are certainly welcomed!

    1. The wind has been incredible this fall. And we've had an abundance of rainfall, too. I'm ready for spring.

  2. Enjoyed your poem, Donna. It "almost" makes me look forward to winter. Amazing that you've already had snow!

    1. Well, it did it's job then..."almost" looking forward to winter is the most one could hope for. I'm trying to look forward to it myself.

  3. You make winter sound light and lovely, Donna. But, a foot of snow already! I can wait a bit for that.

    1. We got enough snow to plow, and it stayed a few days. Now it has been washed away with tons of rain. No more leaf days, I'm afraid.

  4. It's rainy now, but snow is on its way, sprinkly, twinkly and other words I won't mention. I love it, Donna, & the presentation too.

    1. I only like the first big snowstorm. Then I am over it and ready for spring. Driving in it is the worst.

  5. I like the rhythm of "Twinkly Sprinkly," Donna. It's fun to read, and the title layout is nicely playful.

    1. Thanks, Tabatha. This one was fun to write and format.

  6. Love your poem celebrating snow, even if I seem to have outgrown my welcoming attitude. "Like a sequin spangled quilt" is my favorite line, and the rhythm is perfect. That font is just right, too!

    1. I know, each year it gets harder and harder to love the snow!

  7. Donna, I LOVE your poem! To be honest, sitting down here in slightly chilly SC, the idea of a snowy Maine landscape sounds wonderful. Enjoy this passage of seasons, and stay warm!

    1. Thanks, Becky. Unfortunately for the snow, we've had a few blustery, rainy days and it has washed away all but the stubborn snow piles from snow plows at the mall parking lots.

  8. Lucky you to have snow already! (I know others would NOT concur with this opinion, but I say, "BRING IT!!"

    1. As long as I have the wood stove, I guess I can let winter start.

  9. My favorite line is "like a sequined spangled quilt." I'm sure the book is lovely. Love the font used with this poem, too.

  10. Love the music of this "twinkly sprinkly" poem, Donna, and imagining the snow softly drifting downwards.


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