Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Moon

"So what does the Moon mean to you?" is the challenge at Poetry Jam this week.  
After thinking about it for a bit, I wrote and wrote and wrote and slashed and crumpled (figuratively) and deleted and spaced forward and edited and revised and napped and watched a little TV, until I was left with what is here.  It is a Haiku - Accrostic... a Haccrostu?
At any rate, it is four lines so MOON can be spelled out.  First line is 5 syllables, the Second and Third lines combine to make 7 syllables, and the Fourth line is 5 syllables. (ok, there is a second poem at the end of the post...just happened...)
                                           Master of disguise
                                           Orbiting pearlescent
                                           Nightly reflecting
©Donna JT Smith, 2014

I have always been fascinated that the moon is smaller than the sun by a lot, and it is closer by a lot - but given those two factors you come up with two objects that appear to be the same size in the sky. and they both appear to light up.  I also like picturing the moon traveling around the earth at the same time the earth is orbiting the sun.  And because they appear to be the same size, the moon can eclipse the sun.  The sun is, of course, the greater of the two celestial bodies, but the moon is still important in its job of directing the tides and giving us something that proves that the sun is still there even in the dark.  It's a comforting thought.
I did not write a dreamy, emotion packed moon poem.  I haven't been in the mood to write for a while - not since the accident and the birth of our granddaughter.  Not sure why.  Both should be catalysts, but my writer brain has shut down for a bit.  I'm trying to get it in gear again, but I think the precariousness of life has shut me up for a bit.  I keep thinking back with some fascination on how lives can be and are changed in an instant.
One who was not here, is now here.  Ones who are here, can suddenly be gone.
Just thoughts lately.  I feel like living life for a bit, not writing it.

I was with my daughter and her family for a month, but I'm home again.  I bought a new car two days ago to replace the totaled one. I can't believe that the windshield is broken already.
Yesterday, a stone hit it, and it immediately cracked. I hadn't even owned it for 24 hours!  I know I'm being reminded yet again that stuff is only stuff.  I can deal with that.

Maybe I'm back.  Not sure.  Check here tomorrow or Friday.

The moon 
looks down
on me
nudging me
telling me to rise
and reflect
as it does -
reflect the Son
that others might see 
past the darkness
to where there is
©Donna JT Smith, 2014

Well, that one just came to me.  Wasn't expecting it.  Maybe... could be I'm back.


  1. smiles...i like your acrostic poem...the second is my fav though...the reflective quality of the moon...taking the light we are given and reflecting that...i want to be that way as well...

    1. Thanks, Brian. I fought over the first poem so hard, and then the second was just there.

  2. I really like your acrostic...but I LOVE your second poem. I like the idea of seeing past the darkness to the light. Profound.

  3. I enjoyed your acrostic too and the idea of light behinf darkness in the following one, beautifully expressed.

    1. Thanks, Gabriella! We should be reflections of the source of our Light in darkness.

  4. Despite not feeling like writing it seems you wrote quite a lot in response to the moon. I hope you world is feeling more right again.

    1. The first one wasn't easy to get into...I literally did what I said, writing, deleting, rewriting, scrapping, moving on, etc. until finally I had something. Then the rest just happened. I could be back into it.

  5. Reflecting the Son is something more should do.

    Thanks for stopping by to visit.

    1. I'm glad you could stop by! Going to try asking myself every day if I am reflecting...

  6. Yes, your acrostic poem is a treasure. And, really, I can't decide on my favorite - though I think they are lovely companion pieces. Nicely done.

    1. Hi, Wendy! Thanks! Here's hoping I can get my writing focus back yet still do the laundry and dishes!

  7. Wow, love the "Son/sun" play, and the absolute stunning truth and hope of this poem!

  8. I love the pearlescent orb in your first and enjoyed the second immensely. An accident is traumatic, reminding us of the transitory nature of and heal - from your writing here, it looks like your muse is sharp as ever! Congrats on the new granddaughter. How wonderful!!!!!!

    1. New grandbabies are awesome! Old ones are too!
      I don't know why the struggle to get back, but I'm working on it!

  9. the accrostic poem is a the word play and the beautiful message in the second...wonderful lines

  10. Giving us hope and inspiration the eternal moon!

    1. The moon certainly appears to be least right up until we put footprints and a flag on it.

  11. I hope you are back. Your words carry so much meaning with them, and I have missed them. Just recently I shared your poem about seeing the stars again with 2 friends who had cataract surgery (with full credit to you, of course). Both were touched. These moon poems are both so good, but the second one is another definite keeper, another one to be shared with the right people at the necessary time. When are you publishing a book?? Thinking of you as you work through these times.

    1. I'm so happy that you wanted to share my "stars"! You have made my day. I have even sat down for a bit to arrange more words! Thank you for your encouragement.

  12. Beautiful. Both poems are such nice responses to the prompt. I especially like the second one --- Jesus the Son of God is indeed the Light!

  13. Liking the image of the nudging moon.

    Good luck with the recovery and the grandchild. Stuff is indeed just stuff. Thanks for visiting my blog. ~

  14. Luv the first one, the haiku

    Much love...

  15. Your poem is full of hope.

    I wish you the best.

  16. reflect the son - love that line, it captures the light and dispels the darkness.

  17. Ah, moon. Such wonderful thing. Both poems are wonderful! The second one especially doesn't sound like it's coming unexpectedly. How many revisions you did for that piece? Oh, and I am asking for a permission to save your haccrostu to my commonplace notebook. Such lovely addition.

    1. I just looked back at my "working" page and truly, the second poem came in one sitting with no revisions or editing - sometimes that happens to me. The first was harder and required much editing.
      I appreciate your asking permission to save my haccrostu to your notebook. I would allow that with proper credit as the author, please! I may be including some of my work in other larger compilations at a later date.


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