Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Story Challenge

Yesterday I started reading blogs and came across the Christmas 350 words or fewer story challenge from Susanna Leonard Hill, and then "Poof!" it was hours later.  But how can you pass up an opportunity to write and potentially be rewarded for your efforts? 
I wrote a different story yesterday, but decided to save that for Christmas Eve posting on Aloha! Mark Koopmans Says Hi from HI because it seemed like it would appeal more to an older audience and fits the Christmas wish/regret/prayer type style, though it was also a mishap at Christmas.  You will have to wait for December 24th to read that one, though.  It's a true story.
And today I wrote this poem for Susanna's challenge as my offering of a Christmas mishap, accident, potential disaster type story.  It is actually a true story, too, except for donkeys lying.
Does anyone else see the Christmas story as a mishap/potential disaster story? 
A King on a Donkey  (271 words)

One night in a faraway land
Joseph said, “Mary, please take my hand.
“It's a long way, you know,
Bethlehem’s far to go,
A ride on our donkey is planned.

Over hills and through valleys they walked.
Mary, heavy with child, barely talked.
Joseph led them along
As he hummed a sweet song,
And the donkey never once balked.

As they entered the city that night
The innkeeper learned of their plight.
There was no where for rest,
But he offered his best,
“Would the stable out back be all right?”

Could this night become any stranger?
Should he put his wife in such danger?
No one sleeps with a cow,
Not then and not now;
But Mary spied the hay manger.

Mary needed space in this shed;
A soft place where He’d rest His head.
This would be the night
She’d bring forth the Light,
So Joseph found hay for her bed.

The animals gave up their treat
And offered warm bodies for heat
They baa-ed and they mooed,
They heehawed or cooed,
And soon came the baby so sweet.

The night, long and cold, was now done, 
In the manger they laid their new son.
How strange for a king
To be born without bling,
But thus, is His story begun.

The angels all told of His worth,
And soon shepherds knew of his birth.
They followed a star
And traveled so far
To see the young Savior of earth.

This donkey stayed close by His side.
Whenever He needed a ride
He carried this King;
Oh, what a strange thing!
Other donkeys thought that he lied.

© Donna JT Smith, 2013


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. I would like to have written a silly ditty, but it just wouldn't be written.

  2. Thanks for reminding us why we have Christmas. This was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. A very lovely poem about the nativity scene! Good luck with your entry!

  4. Donna, you really did the true story of why I celebrate Christmas come to light. SUPER JOB! :-)

    1. It's always good to stay grounded in the reason for Christmas - the gift we received.

  5. What a lovely poetic retelling of the nativity story, well done!

  6. Wow, I hadn't thought of the Christmas Story as a mishap before... thanks for expanding my thinking :)

    1. The true story of Christmas was fraught with potential disaster, and was a bad situation turned good.

  7. Very sweet. And yes, it was a potential mishap!

    1. How wonderful that a bad situation turned out so well.

  8. Wonderful Christmas story Donna! A big mix-up, mishap indeed. :) And He is the reason for the season. :)

  9. Just lovely, and wonderful for the true reason for the season!

  10. What a wonderful job you've done telling the Christmas Story in limerick, Donna! Well done! You know, I didn't think of it at first when I posted the contest rules, but it did occur to me later that the Christmas Story is the original holiday mishap, what with there being no room at the inn. I'm glad you embraced it for your story! Thanks so much for a great entry and for joining in the holiday contest fun!

    1. Thanks, Susanna! I loved the focus of the challenge. I wanted to write something that was more on a serious note, and suddenly it occurred to me that the Christmas story itself was a mishap. I was in a rhymy mood and it just came out in limerick form! A bit strange format for a Christmas story...but you go with what you get!

  11. Very beautiful, Donna! I hadn't thought of it as a mishap until you said it and then it made perfect sense. Nice job.

  12. Nicely written, Donna! I especially love how the donkey "adopted" the baby Jesus as his master.

    1. Thanks, Michelle. Didn't know if I wanted to keep one or the other or both of the last two stanzas...still not sure, but kept them both.

  13. always good to see a Bethlehem story. Your poem has a nice glide to it.

  14. Great job! I love it! Happy Holidays!


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