Sunday, December 22, 2013

Stormy Weather

Well, last weekend we got a foot of snow on top of a foot of snow, and no one went anywhere.  It was even a bit much for our Golden.  Not really.  She loves snow.  She wants us to throw something so she has an excuse to dunk her head and look for it.  It's the closest thing to a pond she's ever been in.
She is not lying down here.
Her face is not that white!  It's the snow from snowball diving.  She is not lying down in the snow here; she is standing waiting for me to throw her an icicle or snowball!

And today there is more stormy weather.  It has been warm enough that the precipitation has been misty rain, which freezes when it hits the ground.  We tried going in town but we turned around and came home.  It looked like wet roads up until you tried to stop.  There was no stopping.  So rather than have a Christmas in the hospital, we opted to stay home for the day.

The temperature is dropping and the pine needles are drooping under the weight of the ice.  It is going to be a long night with the possibility of power outages due to downed branches and wires.  The weather channel says it will be over at around noon tomorrow.

I wrapped presents.  My husband built a nice wood fire. Now I'm making homemade chicken pot pie and a mini apple pie (because I have an apple and extra crust - actually I added unsweetened natural applesauce, too, to fill it up more!).  It was a good day for staying inside.

And they tasted just wonderful.  Now for some tea.  I should have had that with my pie, but we were too hungry-excited to wait.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, and a very Merry Christmas to you, too, Linda! Must get the tree up before the grandson arrives!

  2. What a fun time for the dog! You were smart to stay home. I hope your power held out all night. Those pies look scrumptious! I love pot pie! Merry Christmas Donna!

    1. This dog is snow crazy! We made it through the night with power! Yea! Roads should get better today with heaps o' salt n sand. Oatmeal this morning, pie for lunch...then one or two last minute gifts if we get out. Merry Christmas!!!!

  3. Wow - I know this weather causes problems, but you are certainly making the best of it. YUM! Our golden wouldn't know what to do with all that snow! So different from our climate here in Tennessee. Makes me wish even more for snow - but no ice, please. Have a Merry Christmas!

    1. Snow - yes. Ice - no. My daughter went to college in Tennessee. One day there was a fair amount of snow on the ground and she showed the students there how to use trays for sleds on the hill. Merry Christmas!!!


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