Friday, December 28, 2012

Snow Day

Can there be a better view of the snowstorm, than from inside a warm house with your grandson and daughter?

I got to keep my grandson and his family here two days longer due to the snowstorm coming up the coast!  Yea!  Poem to follow....shortly.


  1. Aw-w-very nice, & fun to have the storm too, as long as they're staying & not traveling. Happy New Year, Donna.

    1. They even got to make a snowman for our yard! Haven't had one of those in a few years!

  2. How lucky they were not in transit during the storm. How fun to have more time together!

    1. They made it home between storms...they'd still be here if they hadn't left when they did! It was great to have those extra days together.


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Z is for Zoetic

Good Words Alphabetically: Z is for Zoetic Ah, z end of z month... I'm going to miss writing a poem and drawing every day.  Perhaps I wi...