Thursday, December 13, 2012

Deck the Hulls - The Musical

Okay, I know I used these pictures before....but then this song came into my head to go with them.  Had to do them again.  Only one person saw this post, so here we go again. This is a double deja vu.  When you are on the Deja Vu Blogfest and see some oldies but goodies reposted for reconsideration!

One more time, now...Everybody sing!

Deck the hulls with lights so jolly!
Fa la la la, la la lobster la!
Even trim the traps, by golly!
Fa la la la, la la lobster la!
Don we now our boots and oilskins,
Fa la la la, la la lobster la!
While we sing of lobster boilin’s,
Fa la la la la, la lobster la!

See the rolling waves before us,
Fa la la la, la la lobster la!
They delight a New York tour bus,
Fa la la la, la la lobster la!
Bobbers, buoys and other treasures
Fa la la la, la la lobster la!
Memories of seaside pleasures
Fa la la la, la la lobster la!

Fast to sea the low tide rushes,
Fa la la la, la la lobster la!
Now the high tide inward gushes
Fa la la la, la la lobster la!
Stack the traps and buoys together
Fa la la la, la la lobster la!
We’ll withstand the lowery weather!
Fa la la la, la la lobster la!

© Donna JT Smith, 2012

And now head on over to Jama's Alphabet Soup for more great Poetry Friday links!


  1. Most excellent. :) Now it will be stuck in my head all day long....

    1. Hope you've gotten to change tunes by now! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  2. Oh, this cracked me up! I used to live in a small village in Maryland, the watermen dropped traps for crabs rather than lobsters, but otherwise, it's spot on! lol!

    1. I'll have to check out the crab traps and see how these compare! We don't fish for crab here that I'm aware of. Only a few caught in the traps with the lobsters. Too small to make a decent meal.

  3. Fun lobster-yule post, Donna!

    Now I'm definitely smiling! :^)

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE this! So clever and well done!

  5. HA! Your version of that carol is absolutely priceless. Great job.

    1. Thanks! I hope I can still sing the right words.

  6. Very fun! We don't have a whole lot of that in Colorado :-)

  7. I have the most awesome Aunt in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Well, in order to be an awesome aunt, I HAVE to have an awesome niece!

  8. So much fun to just sit here in my empty classroom, just having had lunch, and sing this to myself, Donna.

    1. Oh, I'm so glad I could provide a musical interlude for you!

  9. Love it! My partner and I are ocean sport fisher(people) so I can truly appreciate your poem.

    Visiting from the Deju Vu Blogfest.

    Come and join my Countdown to Kitschmas -

    1. Thanks! And love your site. I've seen most of that stuff when I was a little girl either at my grandparents, my house, or my uncle's house. Love that grumpy reindeer!

  10. Ha! You had me at the title -- and then I fell right into your clever trap. Faboo poem, Donna! Melted butter?

  11. Nice parody. It's fun to put up older posts that only received a few or no comments. I'm all for second chances.

    Tossing It Out

    1. I could do one called "Deck the gulls..." But the decking would be a different meaning. Gulls are a feisty lot.

  12. I'm popping in from the blogfest.
    I had a good chuckle at this version of Deck The Halls... really smart!
    ... and I just taught this to my junior choir before school closed for the holidays... (I can still hear their little voices ringing in my ears...)

    1. Oh, how neat! I'm flattered! That would be wonderful to hear...sweet little voices! Have a great holiday!

  13. Great post! I am now your newest follower.

    1. Thanks! Welcome aboard...ha! That seemed appropriate. Not too original, but there you go! I stopped by your writing site...will leave comment when I get back to it.

  14. You are not going to stop posting this pic until my husband ends up doing the same to our boat, are you??? LOL.

    Maybe I should practice the lyrics with my kids and we can sing it to him. You are very clever.

    1. Uh-oh! I forgot about that! Well I'll try not to post any that I get of ones lit up at night. Oh, wait...I probably will. So be careful on the Internet in the coming weeks!

  15. Deck the Hulls. I absolutely love it.

    1. Thanks! Enjoyed poking around on your site, too!

  16. This was very clever, and definitely worth repeating! Julie

  17. Saying hello from the blogfest... What a fun rendition of Deck the Halls! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Cynthia! Now just try singing the Fa la la la la part without the lobster when you get to the "real one".

  18. Fun song! I will probably have lalalalalalobsterla in my head when I hear the original song now.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. Ha! And as I said to Cynthia " Now just try singing the Fa la la la la part without the lobster when you get to the "real one"!"

  19. HA! Well done, Donna! I love the "lobster la" - too funny. :)


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