Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Stockings

When my son was born, 
I made for him
a Christmas stocking.
When my daughter arrived, 
a second stocking was made.
And each year, on Christmas eve,
the stockings were hung with care,
and opened with delight 
in the twinkling lights
of Christmas morn.
This Christmas
there will be a new stocking,
made with love by my daughter;
a new mom's
Christmas stocking
for her son.
It will be hung with care
on Christmas eve,
And there will be delight
in the morning
once again.

© Donna JT Smith, 2012 

And here is a link back to an earlier post about the things vs people in our lives, that reminds me of Anita's post today on Learning to Be Writers. Cherish every moment this season!  Remember to tell them you love them.


  1. "Delight in the morning/once again" - that's all we need. Merry Christmas Donna to you & your family!

    1. Three days and they arrive! She showed me her stocking material yesterday...I'm going to add that picture at the end. She said she may have to finish it when she gets here. How exciting! Merry Christmas, Linda! I hope you are getting settled pretty nicely now. Moving is harder now than at 25!

  2. Delight to read about, too!

    1. Thanks! Just a bit more shopping to do, and we should be all set! Merry Christmas!

  3. Ohhh! This one touched my mama heart! And made me resolve to get out the stockings I started when I adopted my sons and never finished!

    1. Oh, yes! Do it! And then post them. I'd love to see them.

  4. A wonderful tradition. May you have a blessed holiday.

  5. What a lovely tradition - and a beautiful reminder of the joy of family and traditions this time of year.

  6. Cherish and tell them you love them! No better advice during this holiday season!


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