Friday, May 28, 2021

Birthday Cards

 Mug Shot

This is a card I made for my daughter for her May birthday.  I've taken to making a small, postcard size, watercolor for a birthday card.  Quick.  Write a poem on the back.  Quick.

This one has flaws, but so do I.  So that's what you get with me. Lol!  But it's fun and it keeps me out of trouble!

Happy birthday to my girl,

The one who loved to dance and twirl,

The one who grew up in a day -

As old as I now, 

I must say...

I don't know how this came to be...

Wait! No! 

I think I'm 33!

Yup, you're much older than I am now

There's no explaining why or how!

by Donna JT Smith

Happy birthday, Michelle!  Happy Poetry Friday, everyone!  June is soon!

More poetry connections are at Michelle Kogan's!

Friday, May 14, 2021

Madness! Poetry

If you are wondering what to do today because you have read all the poems being shared for Poetry Friday, what better way to extend the fun, than to to to Madness! Poetry and read 64 new poems created.  Cast a few votes, or many votes to encourage all the poets who have submitted their creations (under duress!)

I will warn you, it is addicting...and the contest runs through May with new poems created weekly.  You need to stay tuned to get the next round!  Each poet has 36 hours to create a new piece using their given word.  It is not a contest to be taken lightly - however, you kinda have to!

Today at 5 my bout with RJ Clarken closes.  Our word was "suave"!  It is so interesting to see how these words get woven into poems - and to see the strange theme or character occurrences in two battling poems.

I do hope you get on over there - not just for MY sake, but for all the poets and all the poems begging to be read!!

I'm going to put a poem here in just a minute...or we go...done.

An old Squiggle I drew...

Happy Spring!

Run and sing!

Catch a frog!

Jump a log!

Such delight -

Days wax bright!

Warmish breezes!

Summer teases!

Grab a swing -

Raise toes to spring!

by Donna JT Smith, 5/14/2021


Poetry Friday offerings are here with Irene Latham, who is hosting at her blog, Live Your Poem.

Madness!Poetry is here.  My poem is about a couple of roosters...

Friday, May 7, 2021


It's time for the amazing Madness! Poetry, a time of writing poetry under the constraints of word assignment (the words are ridiculously challenging), length of creation, and time restrictions (36 hours to create and submit - 36 hours to vote on each bout).  The 64 competitors eventually - beginning of June - pare down to a single winner of the Thinkier Award!

Here's my poem I submitted as an entry for Ed DeCaria, the creator/mastermind of Madness! Poetry.  It got me a seat in Round 1!  Let's hope the words flow for Tuesday, when the bout begins for RJ Clarken and me! 


Demons be within our brains
Prodding us to wax inane;
Inventing verse and astute stanza
With words like dame ‘n’ extravaganza!
Oh, to live as those who’re sane, or
To be at one with life mundaner.
But no… the sobriquet of poet
Is our lot, and we all know it.
Polish pens, unearth slick paper,
Prepare for the wildest poetry caper!
This Madness comes but once a year,
We’re loco, though, for life, I fear.

By Donna JT Smith 4/18/2021

I hope you can join us in reading and voting on your favorite poems each time the new batch appears.  Watch for Becky Herzog and Heidi Mordhorst, too!!

Don't forget to log in to vote on all the poems!  

Meanwhile, Happy Poetry Friday!  Read more poems right now by visiting Bridget Magee at wee words for wee ones.

Spiritual Journey Thursday: Wholeness

  Spiritual Journey Thursday is hosted today by Denise Krebs and you can find more posts by going to her site and reading the comments wit...