I found this leaf tucked in the door handle of my car. It looked like the tree had left me a Valentine!
Happy Poetry Friday! Visit more poems and poetic goodies at Jama's Alphabet Soup!
I found this leaf tucked in the door handle of my car. It looked like the tree had left me a Valentine!
Happy Poetry Friday! Visit more poems and poetic goodies at Jama's Alphabet Soup!
Spider and Scarecrow
There was an old scarecrow
all lady-like staid
who had a friend spider
all hairy and grayed
They both spun at midnight
though not the same way
the spider spun silk while
the scarecrow girl swayed
The moonlight fed both
in the field every night
except on the new moon
when dark wasn't light
but still they enjoyed
the evenings well spun
as each of them shared
their own kinds of fun
The spider learned waltzing
despite four left feet
and scarecrow learned weaving
of shawls and silk sheets
While autumn kept creeping
but neither one saw
And then one day - whoosh!
wind made piles of them all!
Ho-hum, autumn's done
Time for snowflake fiestas
and the season of scarecrow
and spider siestas!
by Donna JT Smith, 10-16-2020
Sometime this week, Molly Hogan posted a picture on Facebook of her carrots. Go there to see her great image of homegrown carrots.
I wrote a Haiku for the carrots in the Comments...
...but one carrot had a split root, and Molly commented back about its "dancing pants"...
And so I could not leave that alone! It was eating at me until I wrote this poem. It wasn't what I'd kind of envisioned. I was thinking a kind of Gingerbread Man scenario. But you can't stop a Carrot Top.
Thanks for the inspiration Molly!
Carrot's Top
The day was cold,
the day was spring
and I had not
a better thing
to do today
but plant a ring
A ring of things
I call some carrots.
The soil was moist
The loam was brown
and there I pictured
carrot crowns
and so I threw
Some seeds around
To fill the needs
of me and rabbits.
Tiny green leaves
An emerald sprout
came up in days
In spite of drought
It would be special
There was no doubt
It was no plant
Of mundane habit.
The sun it shone
And then it waned
I waited there
Until it rained
The time to harvest
Was ordained
I saw orange -
The time to nab it.
I pulled and pulled
Very slowly
Up came the carrot
Soiled and lowly
I looked at it
It struck me drolly…
I never knew
I’d have to grab it!
Two chubby legs
In orange pants
This carrot wore
As if to prance
And that it did
Or was it dance?
In any case
Began the gamut
It did a jig
It made me laugh
It wasn’t tall
By less than half
And then I took
This photograph
Before it jumped
I quickly snapped it.
Down the path and
Up the hilltop
Past a red barn
To the Big Top
Where it came to
Rest at this stop
To ask the way -
A little gambit.
And that is how
And that is when
Carrot said “no”
To julienne
No matter how
The world would yen
There would be corn
But not this carrot.
Yes, carrot learned
The life of clowns
Has many ups
Not so the downs
They traveled far
To many towns
Pulled up its roots
As was its habit.
I miss carrot
I’m forlorn
The loss of orange
I still mourn
But I do enjoy
Some yellow corn
And clover is
Enough for rabbit.
By Donna JT Smith, 9/20/2020
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Spiritual Journey Thursday is hosted today by Denise Krebs and you can find more posts by going to her site and reading the comments wit...