Friday, February 9, 2018


I knew it was Friday.  But I somehow forgot it was Friday.  So I had nothing on this page as of 9 am today!

Here's one of the ekphrastic poem I wrote to go with this adorable figurine Diane Mayr offered for our prompt.  Although adorable, my poem did not end up being of his adorable nature.  Go figure... some days you just have to take what you are given.

Have a happy Poetry Friday as you slither through the (s)links at, where Sally Murphy is our hostess today, and offering some Terse Verse* (I think she's asleep now, sh!).

* What did we retrieve from the gull who dragged off our bag of saltwater taffy?
sandy candy...


  1. I like that your funny bone was up and active even if Friday nearly eluded you. Some days are like that, hiding in the closet.

    1. I couldn’t believe it took so long to get to PF! Some days are becoming some weeks lately!

  2. Donna, I am glad to have a second chance at reading your ekphrastic poems. I find the FB platform difficult to use for the amount of poetry that is being filtered through it. This is much better. Your terse verse shows us your funny bone as Brenda says. BTW, the poetry postcard I sent you just came back today. My husband asked if I had the right address. This is what I had, 19 Chester Lane Georgetown, ME. I did have the zip mixed up. I wrote 05458 instead of 04558. Is the address correct now or should I add anything else? I would like you to have one of my postcards.

    1. All is correct except the zip is 04548. Guess they don’t look at words any more!
      BTW I am just now getting the hang of how to find all the posts on FB. It isn’t my favorite platform for posting or communicating, but I’m getting better. I’ll be an expert about the time the Internetters switch to something else!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Donna, can you please send me a digital of your Poetry Postcard that you sent me? The picture is stunning and the wording fits beautifully. I posted it on my blog today with other image poems.

    1. Sure. I'll find it here somewhere...unless I only created it on Zazzle... Did you notice that I created the stamp, too? It is a picture of the frost on the window at church. It was so beautiful, I just had to use it.

  4. This was such fun art to respond to. Your poem made me laugh!

  5. This was one of my favorite photo prompts so far. I love your response and your use of "undulating"--a favorite word of mine and one that perfectly pops a vision in my mind here. Sssssstupendous!

  6. The best thing about writing is taking "what you are given." I've ended up going in directions I never would have dreamed of prior to starting some poems.

  7. This picture was such a delight to write to, loved all the chuckles like yours, Donna, & the "hint, hint' to those "not to be trusted".

  8. Oh, how I agree with that "take what you are given." I'm constantly reminding myself not to get too pushy with my muse!

    1. Never pushy! Really! You’ll get garbage if you do!

  9. I read your poem, admiring the word "undulating" and the concrete way it ended, then I looked at the title again, and something happened to the meaning for me. It turned political. Art and poetry speak truth today, as usual. Well done! Loved the Terse Verse, too!

    1. Ha! I guess things can always be taken differently depending on your personal point of view. This was entirely non-political as I meant it. I am most likely on the opposite side of most political viewpoints from my poet friends, and try to avoid that in my posts so as not to offend.

  10. So clever. I love the rhythm here, and the use of shape to echo subject.

  11. Donna, I love this poem. The last stanza was especially evocative. Thanks for sharing! -Sarah

  12. Great prompt - intriguing poem. I like it.

    With smiles, Jenny


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