Friday, July 29, 2016

Summer Poetry Exchange

"Fa-da!" (as Oh says on "Home")

Yes, you are at the right place.  I changed looks yesterday.

Seemed about the right time.  Lost weight, learned to ride a motorcycle, got my license, finished writing all my poetry exchange partners, sent out my postcard exchanges... time for a new look here.  Again - Fa-da!

Let's start with the poem!  Yea, Poetry Friday at sweet Margaret Simon's Reflections on the Teche!  Lots of poetry going on over there, so take a trip to the Teche!

And yea, Summer Poem Exchange!
My second poetry partner was Joy Acey for the poetry exchange organized by Tabatha Yeatts.  If you haven't done this exchange in the summer before, certainly check out the short winter exchange and then next summer's exchange.  It is so much fun!

Joy's poem was written on a card designed by Eva Schmutter from Norway.  The image certainly isn't the same, but it does remind me of the ice/aurora borealis watercolor I did for SPARK inspired by a piece written based in Iceland.

It's kind of like the poem and song matchup challenge Tabatha had going!  That would be fun.  Pairing artwork from different artists...and maybe inserting a poem connection with them, too.  And a dessert...rainbow sherbet for this one... ok.  Too complex

Here is the link to her site.  The card had the image #392 Aurora Borealis in the Winter collection. I think I'm going to order a print for Gull Haven.  She has a few seagulls in her collection.

And now for the best part, the "dreamy" poem written by Joy.  I keep reading it for its "song"!  I know it should have some music with it!
Norwegian Dream

Do you know
 there is ice and snow
  all year long
   in Norway?

The sun shines a song
 all day long
  in summertime
   in Norway.

Reindeer play
 all through the day
  on the hills
   in Norway.

You'll never be bored
 traveling fjords
  on a boat
   in Norway.

There is summer fun
 with a midnight sun
  shining above
   in Norway.

And if you wish
 you can eat fish
  for every meal
   in Norway.

by Joy Acey, 2016, all rights reserved

Thank you, Joy!  I love it!

the rhythm - I feel its waves;
  its rhyme - I hear its song;
    the glimpse - I see the "specialness"  
      "in Norway" - I will remember! 

I have never been to Norway, but this poem just made me smile as I read it, and made me want to go to Norway someday.  You know, if that could be considered a BOLD move, I just may see about doing that!

And of course, it's on the refrigerator.  Where else would summer poetry belong?
Right, Tabatha?
I took this a couple of days ago, to post here today!  I forgot, but when I went to Tabatha's and saw that she is featuring a picture of her refrigerator - fa-da!  I raced to my images to grab the forgotten "poetry on ice" image!  See Joy's up there?

****News Flash****
Stay tuned for the "Refrigerator Post Day" updates.  There is coming a "Refrigerator Relay Race"... or "Bloggers on Ice" or some other clever titled day when we all get to post pictures of our refrigerators for the world to see!  You can take outside, inside, front, sides, back, top, underneath (yuck!)... I don't care.  However, the most interesting would probably be to see what is on the outside, front and sides... what do YOU have on YOUR refrigerator today?  Mine is always plastered with artwork and writing, along with a few appointments, a library books receipt, SeaDogs' schedule, etc.
I'm thinking August 31, a Wednesday.  Thoughts?


  1. Joy is very convincing -- I'd like to go with you to Norway! I love the art she sent you, and your beautiful watercolor; they complement each other. A gull print sounds like a great idea.

    1. I am looking into that print - I think in our new home I'll have a poetry wall. The refrigerator has me thinking.

  2. Donna, thank you for the kind words. Tabatha's poetry exchanges are so much fun. I'm glad you liked Eva's paper collage. I liked the wooden reindeer.

    1. I loved that little reindeer, too. So cute. But I love the poem that goes with it best. I keep reading it for its "song"! I know it should have some music with it! Thank you!
      It's on the refrigerator, of course!

  3. Always a pleasure to peek inside the poetry swap envelopes! The first verse just teases you into the poem.

    1. They are really exciting to receive! There is so little mail that is worth looking at now. It's like a bit of childhood now to open the mailbox and see what's inside!

  4. Thanks for sharing Joy's poetry. The second stanza is my favorite--"The sun shines a song all day long..." I've been to Norway but would love to return and experience another Norwegian dream. The fridge photo is great and I will definitely be checking out my own fridge for poetic inspiration later.

  5. The poem and the artwork now make me want to plan a trip to Norway, too. Lovely!

    1. We should all go. A contingency of poets comes to Norway to play!

  6. I have old friends and neighbors who immigrated from Norway, & we never took a trip with them to see their family-regrets! They told so many wonderful stories of skiing to school! Joy's poem and the art took me back to those old conversations. I love your new look, too, Donna!

    1. I'm enjoying the new look, too. I forget I'm on my site.
      It would be quite an experience to visit Norway! Maybe someday. I'm not that fond of flying, but I can do it (well, in a plane...).

  7. The paper cutouts and poem from Joy are wonderful. The softened lines of the cutout card are sweeping across the page with the reindeer popping out followed by your dreamy watercolor. The frozen winter world is very inviting. Refrigerator Post Day sounds like fun. My refrigerator used to be filled with magnets and notes when the children were young now it is a sleek reminder that I need to declutter in my house. My yoga magnet sits on the door reminding me that I need to keep balanced.

    1. Ah, declutter de clutter! That was my post yesterday!
      You yoga magnet would be a great image for a refrigerator day poem!

  8. I totally agree, Donna. Joy's poem really sings! I especially love that last stanza... leaves me smiling. :)

    1. I may have to experiment with a tune, so I can bring it with me wherever I go!

  9. "summer fun with a midnight sun" My favorite line. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Love all that's happening in Norway. My fridge has all the holiday cards we get with kids' pictures. :-) Very vibrant.

  11. Love this Norwegian Dream! The Poetry Swap is so fun. Love the refrigerator idea. I can only clip things to the side, but it's overflowing now with save the dates for weddings this fall, one of which is my daughter's.

  12. Love this post. Especially the collection on the fridge!

  13. Thanks for sharing Joy's joyful poem, Donna. I got a giggle at the rhyme: 'You'll never be bored
    traveling fjords'
    And I love the artwork too.

  14. The poetry exchange sounds like a lot of fun!

  15. The poem swap is like a trip around the world, especially with Joy and her travels! I love your watercolor paired with the card from Norway -- both lovely! Congrats on your big summer of learning and your blog's new look -- it's very inviting!

  16. I could use some snow to play in about now. And I'm totally up for the refrigerator relay race!

    (LOVE the new blog look!! I did wonder if I was at the right place!!)

  17. Joy's poem is a wonderful invitation to visit Norway! I love that your fridge is as "organized" as mine. ;)


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